Chapter 8

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- Lisa -

I felt a heavy thing on my abdominal area, I slowly opened my eyes only to see Jennie sitting on top of me while holding a knife?!

I quickly got up causing her to fall. Jisoo and Rosé rushed to my room and calmed me down. Why does these kinds of things keeos on happening when she's sleeping? She isn't just sleep walking, what she's doing is much more dangerous. It's like her body is being manipulated, or even worse, possessed.

"Lisa? Stay right here, we'll deal with Jennie. Drink this water and calm yourself, you're shaking badly."Jisoo said.

I know I'm shaking badly but what can I do? I don't know what's going on. She was about to kill me.

They went and get Jennie, they woke her up and told her what happened, again. Jennie wants to hug me but I distanced myself from her, I know it wasn't really her fault but I can still remember it, the horror.

"Lisa, I'm really sorry." She said with a teary eye.

I shook my head and looked at her, I'm still terrified of her but this isn't even her fault, I know she doesn't wanna kill me.

"Hey, w-what did we say about s-saying  sorry? -" Jennie cut me off.

"Now's not the right time for that, Lisa. I almost killed you, you almost died because of me." She said.

Tears started coming out of her feline eyes, she looked down avoiding any eye contacts.

"Jennie, do you remember anything back then that may have any connection with you killing people in sleep?" Rosé asked and Jisoo hit her arms.

"Unnie what was that for?!" She asked.

"She's crying already and you'll ask her that?! Wrong timing!" Jisoo said.

"I do, I do remember something just now." Jennie said.

We all looked at her.

"I killed my sister- my twin sister Nini." She said and I can see the guilt in her eyes.

So it's happening since then.

"That time we were resting and she's very excited because she got casted in a play, she got the main character there, Ruby Jane." She said and smiled bitterly to us.

Ruby Jane...

"Little did we know that she'll die, little did we know that I'll kill her." She said.

"My parents got really angry at me, they locked me up in our basement and didn't gave me food for the whole week. They said I shall suffer for what I did to my sister." She said.

Jisoo, Rosé, and I looked at one another since we got surprised with what she's telling us.

"The moment they let me out of the basement, I found out that they told the public that my sister, Nini, has a mental illness and that she has to be brought to States." She said.

"They made her look like she's crazy." She added.

"They didn't tell the press that I killed my sister, and beacuse of that I have to pay the greatest price. I have to fulfill my sister's wishes." She added.

Her life has been dark since day one.

"That's how I became an actress, how I became Ruby Jane." She said.

She let out a deep sigh as if a huge weight was lift off of her chest.

"My sister wasn't the only one I killled, I killed tons of people while I'm sleeping." She said.

We all looked at her in horror.

"I guess the old sayings were true." Jisoo said.

I looked at her in confusion.

"What saying?" I asked.

"Bad grasses lives longer." She said.

I rolled my eyes.

"She doesn't know that she's been killing people in her sleep, unnie!" I said.

Jisoo gave me a death glare.

"She does." She said.

I don't really know what she's talking about.

"That's not possible unnie." I said.

"It is, she's the evil twin between the two of them but shes refuses to believe that. That's why her own body makes the bad actions while she's asleep because she's made of pure evilness." Jisoo unnie said.

It made me pissed. There aren't any evil twin! That's absurd.

"Unnie, that's absurd! You can't just make an assumption like that towards her, we're all made of evilness." I said.

"Lisa! Unnie! Shut the hell up, now's not the time to argue! You guys both make good points but at the end of the day we'll have to think of a solution to help Jennie. Like what you said unnie, she refuses to believe she's evil because like what Lisa said, there's nothing such as an evil twin and I'm sure Jennie believes that because she wants to be good."Rosé said.

What she said made a huge point, it makes sense.

"You're all right, I was the cursed one. I was supposed to be dead when I was still a fetus but my mom insisted and threatened my dad that she'll divorce him." She said.

We all looked at her and then looked at one another again as if we just realised something.

"Jennie, we gotta go back to the mansion." Rosé said.

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