Chapter 1: Battle for Shanghai

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17,000 BC

Earth. Birthplace of the human race. A species much like our own. Capable of great compassion and great violence.

A group of tribal people who are hunting a binge tiger. They stop and they made a surprising discovery. A giant metal pyramid is shown in the middle of a battlefield. A race of robots are at war. One Decepticon sees the humans and attacks them. His eyes glow like the fires of Hell. He is the first Decepticon who hates humans.

For in our quest to protect the humans, a deeper revelation dawns. Our worlds have met before...
Shanghai, China 22:14 hrs -Today

2 years later, Oliver, Barry, Kara and the Justice League are on a mission with the NEST team to hunt down any remaining Decepticons that are still hiding around the world. From the factory in the city, the civilians begin evacuating from the site. Police and military were wearing gas masks to protect themselves from the toxic spill.

"Newsflash from the BBC."

"Breaking news out of Shanghai. There's been a major toxic spill in the Shanghai factory district. The whole city is being..."

"We're staying on top of this developing story for you. We'll bring you any new information as we get it."

Penatagon - NEST Command

At the command center, General Morshower and his officers are monitoring the operation preparing to deploy NEST and the Justice League on the ground.

"NEST Seahawks approaching target." said a female NEST officer.

"3 minutes until evacuation is complete, sir"

"Chinese airspace has been locked and sealed, one-mile radius."

"All right, give NEST team and Justice League the go." Morshower said.

"Black Hawks, you're clear to land." A officer said.

[Shanghai, China]

In the sky above, a group of Black Hawks are touching down and the troops and some heroes depart from the aircraft. An old ice cream truck drives through the street.

It reads "Decepticons suck my popiscle."

"Ding-a-ling! Come out and get yo' ice cream. Any bad robot out there better get ready for an ass-whuppin'."

In the skies above, the Justice League are preparing to aid the NEST team. Green Arrow is in a helicopter with Lennox, Epps and a few members of the NEST. Sara and Laurel  are in motorcycles with the Arcee Sisters ready to be deployed. Vibe is in Ironhide. Frost is riding in Sideswipe. And as for Atom, he's in the skies patrolling the area.

"Guys, everything is clear up here." He said.

"For the last two years, an advance team of new Autobots has taken refuge here under my command."

"Arcees, Black Canary and White Canary, get ready to launch." Lennox said.

Arcee and her sisters activate their holographic drivers.

"We're locked and loaded." Arcee said.

"We're ready to go." Sara said as she and Laurel readies themselves with the girls.

"Together, we have form an alliance with the humans. A secret, but brave squad of soldiers."

In the helicopter, Lennox explains the plan for the mission. A few British soldiers are also in the operation. One of them is Graham Burns, senior commander of the SASF. It is U.S and British Joint Operation.

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