Chapter 3: The Shard Stolen

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In the orbit, the Decepticon communication officer is in position. He fires a robot asteroid into the Earth. In his room, Barry was sleeping with Iris when his A.I Gideon alerts him.

"Alert. Decepticon has launched an unknown object." She said to him

Barry gets up slowly to check his alarm, it was around 3:30 in the morning. He groans before falling asleep again with Iris.

The object splashes down on the shoreline. A panthers type Decepticon named Ravage emerges and walks on the shores. He has one glowing red eye, two pointy ears on the back of his head, a razor sharp mane, and a claw on the tip of his tail. His physiology is vaguely feline. He sprints as fast as a cheetah over the fence into the field.

In the bunker of the NEST has spotted Ravage.

"Black Lion X-Ray, this is Black Lion Tango. We have activation of motion sensors on the western perimeter fence."

Ravage searches around the pipe that leads to the vault. He reaches the pipe, pops it open like a can, and bites on it. It releases tiny marbles down the pipe into the vault. Back in Barry's room, Gideon alerts him once again.

" Security breach in the western perimeter."

Barry wakes up and runs to Kara's room which is across the hall. Barry opens the door.

"Kara, wake up!" He shouts to her.

Kara groans and wakes up slowly, "What is it?"

"They're breaking into the vault." Barry said.


Barry and Kara transform into their super suits. Barry pulls out his ring and his suit come out for him. Kara quickly puts on her suit. They head out to the vault. In the vault, the marbles move around to the center and transform into microcons. They then begin climbing on each other like ants until they combine together into a small but extremely thin Decepticon named Reedman. He may be hidden but his body is razor sharp perfect to cut flesh and bone. He sees the shard and begins tapping it which triggers the alarm.

"Breach at B-14." A soldier said.

A group of NEST vehicles are deployed and moved towards the front door. Barry and Kara arrive just in time. A soldier sees them.

"What's happening?" Kara asked.

"They're breaking into the vault."

"Barry, do not let the shard leave the island." Kara said to Barry.

"Got it!" Barry replied.

Barry runs to the top of the bunker waiting for the intruders. Kara gets ready before the doors open and they move in.

"Go, go, go, go, go!"

Reedman hides from the soldiers and Kara. Kara sees the shard has been stolen.

"The shard's gone." A soldier said to Kara.

"We cannot let it leave." Kara said.

Reed carefully moves in to pass Kara until a soldier spots him.


Reed kills the soldier and makes a run for it. Kara shoots her heat vision at Reedman as it tries to escape. Outside, Ravage fires a pair missiles at the base. Barry sees Ravage and shoots him with his lightning. Reedman reaches for Ravage, but the lightning manages to kill the thin machine. Then Ravage picks up the shard and makes a getaway taking a few bullets and lasers. Ravage dives back into the ocean with the last fragment of the AllSpark. Barry reaches Kara.

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