Chapter 6: The Fallen

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In a tall building in New York, Megatron and Starscream had landed on the roof. They had killed Optimus, but Sam and Kara manage to escape with Bumblebee and the Twins.

"That went well." Megatron said.

"We've... lost the boy, Master." Starscream said to him. "The Autobots must be shielding their signals."

"I can't rely on you-" Megatron beats Starscream and pins him -to swat a simple insect!"

"Sorry-no! No!" Starscream begged for his life, "One insect among seven billion!"

"Shut up." Megatron drag the second-in-command with his feet wheels.

"He could be anywhere," Starscream grabs his right arm and places back on the body.

"Then we will force them to find him for us!"Megatron shouts, "It's time for the world to know of our presence." No more disguises. No mercy! The time has come for my master's arrival."

In the orbit above Earth...

"Decepticons, mobilize. It is time." Soundwave said.

He begins hacking into all electronic devices around the world. From the atmosphere, four meteorites are approaching Earth.

U.S 2nd Fleet N. Atlantic Ocean

The U.S.S Theodor Roosevelt sails down the ocean when a pair of meteors hit the deck. The blast detonates the fuel, ammunition, and the nuclear reactor. The explosions knock some planes off the ship. The ship begins taking water and begins sinking. As the carrier lists, a few Decepticons climbed up. Hanging from the propellers is Megatron's master, the Fallen.

"Revenge is mine." He said, raising a fist in the air.

The ship begins slipping from the waves. Many sailors perished from the explosion. It is the worst disaster in U.S Navy history.

Pentagon - Washington D.C

In the Pentagon, everyone was scrambling about what is happening now. The news are broadcasting around the building and the country. General Morshower and the commanders are heading for the Command Center.

"...definitely not a plane-"

"Look, carriers just don't sink."

"a horrible accident or a terrorist attack or worse-"

"Negative. NORAD confirmed, projectile came from beyond our atmosphere, inbound at thirty thousand knots."

In New York, Megatron is on top of a skyscraper. He grabs the electrical cables and stick them in the air sending a message to the people around the world. Then the Fallen is shown from the Jumbotron to every television set around the world.

"Citizens of the human hive, your... leaders have withheld the truth. You are not alone in this universe. We have lived among you. Hidden. But no more. As you've seen, we can destroy your cities at will, unless you turn over this... boy... If you resist us, we will destroy the world as you know it."

"What we're hearing from the Germany government is that the world broadcast was a satellite hacking."

NEST Team - New Jersey

"The military has just told us they have assumed Condition Delta, which is the highest level we have been at since 9/11. President Obama is being flown to a bunker somewhere in the middle of the United States in the face of the worst simultaneous attacks ever around the globe.

"The aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt goes down off the East Coast, all hands lost."

"Worldwide casualties are in the neighborhood of seven thousand, but that number could climb. It's still too early to tell. What we need to ask now is, "who and why?"

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