Chapter 5: The Fall of Prime

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In Philadelphia, Cisco arrives in Princeton through a breach. He then notices Mikaela with a metal box in her hand.

"Mikaela?" Cisco asks her.

Mikaela turns to see Cisco. She drops the box and they hug each other.

"Cisco. It's good to see you again." Mikaela said.

"You too. Cisco said before they let go. "Listen, we need to get Sam. The Decepticons are coming for him."

"Let's go." Mikaela said.

They head to the dorms inside. They pass a boy named Leo who is recently Sam's college roommate.

"Hey. Have you seen Sam?" He asked him.

"He's in there." Leo said. "Why?"

"He's in danger."


Cisco and Mikaela burst into Sam's room. When they enter they find Alice on top of Sam, kissing him. Mikaela was heartbroken when she saw her boyfriend.

"Sam?" She asked.

Alice gets off of Sam and Cisco was angry which his hands glow blue.

"Is that your girlfriend?" Alice asked Sam.

"Uh-huh?" Sam replied.

"Ex." Mikaela said before leaving. Cisco gets mad about this.

"Mikaela! Wait!"Sam runs after her but Alice grabs him with her robotic tongue.

"Get away from him!" Cisco shoots his vibrational bursts at Alice as she is flown into a wall. The girl retracts her tongue which made Sam scream like a girl. Mikaela throws the box at Alice but she ducks and the box is thrown out the window.

"Come on!" Vibe shouts.

They all head out of the dorms to escape. The students ran for their dorms for protection.

The group rush down stairs, but Leo sees Alice coming.

"Here she comes."Leo said.

"In the library!" Vibe shouts.

Then they enter inside and hide in separate book aisles. They have to whisper since this is the library.

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God!" Leo whispered in panic, "I can't believe I almost had sex with her in my dream!"

"You didn't do it." Vibe asked him, "Didn't you?"

"Uh, no." Leo replied.

"I can tell that you miss me a lot, Sam!" Mikaela whispered angrily at Sam.

"Look, it's not my fault, okay?" Sam argued.

"Oh, it's not your fault?"

"Look, Mikaela." Cisco opposed. "That bitch is to blame."

"Hey, kid." Leo asked Cisco. "Is it true you shot that vibrational bursts at her."

"Yes. I'm Vibe." Cisco said knowing he has exposed himself.

"Oh man. One of my favorite heroes." Leo said with excitement.

"No time for autographs." Cisco said.

"Listen! Listen, I'm a victim!" Sam said.

"You were a victim? Of what?"


"Of what, a eighty pound girl."

"Of, of, of molestation. It was like getting humped in the neck by a mountain ox!"

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