Chapter 11: The Tomb of the Primes.

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In the C-17, Lennox, Epps, their NEST Team, John and the Justice League are waiting while Galloway reads a book. Then there was a rumbling on the plane. John looks at Lennox who smirks knowing they've planned to get rid of Galloway.

"We've had an engine malfunction." The NEST pilot informed the passengers, "We're gonna have to divert to SOCCENT. Flight master, let's lighten the load and prepare to bail out."

"Engine mal- Bailout? Bailout? Bailout? Bailout?" Galloway asked in confusion.

"All right, team, grab your chutes!" Lennox shouts to his men.

"Heroes, prepare to bailout!" John spoke to the League.

They grab their parachutes and await further orders. Galloway was worried about this.

"Bailout, like, like bailout?" He asked.

"You familiar with the standard MC-4?" Lennox asked the director.

"Of course not!" Galloway replied, "I've never jumped out a perfectly good airplane before! Wait a minute, is this really happening?"

"Yeah. All right, here we go." Lennox replied.

He puts a parachute on Galloway.

"Wait a minute. Wait a minute. You're behind this, aren't you?" Galloway asked.

"What are you talking about? You heard the pilot. These guys don't mess around. This is a standard procedure. I'm just following orders to the letter." He tightens the bag which made Galloway winched from the tightness. "Isn't that what you said?"

" You just signed your death warrant on your career Major... Whoa!" Then there was a rumbling again and this time the plane turns right. "What was that? What was that?"

Lennox smiles along with John who winks back, "Oh, that's not good. Right this way!" He leads Galloway to the bay door as it opens. Wind blows into the plane and also from the loud noise from the engines.

"I-I- I can't jump out of an airplane! I have an ulcer! No, no, no-" He said with fear.

"Come on. It's okay." Lennox said to him.

"We're here for you." John said. He winks at Lennox and the major nods before the cargo bay doors opens.

"I really can't do this. What are you doing-[muffled out by the engine roaring]" Galloway said.
"Come here! Come here." Lennox said as he leads to the edge.

"Why aren't you wearing your chute?!" Galloway asked.

"Because I have to secure the VIPs first!" Lennox said, "Okay, I want to listen to me very carefully and memorize everything I say. Each chute has a GPS tracker so you can be found by search & rescue. Right next to that's a fabric webbing called a bridle, which holds the pin that keeps the main container closed. Okay, are you listening?"

"I- I can't hear what..."

Lennox slaps Galloway, "Stop that!"

"All right. All right."

"You're going to be fine, Galloway. Just listen carefully." John said.

"All right, when the pilot chute inflates into the air, it pulls the pin and opens the main. Red's your backup, blue's your primary. I want you to pull the blue. I want to pull it really hard!" Lennox shouts. Galloway pulls the pin and his chute is opened, "Not now, we're on the plane, you dumbass!"

"What?" Galloway screams as he gets pulled out of the plane. John laughs and he and Lennox high five. They go to Epps.

"He say goodbye?" Epps asked.

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