Chapter 16

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I opened my eyes a few minutes later. I see that my bed drapes are open. I panic. I quickly get out of bed an look all around. I then go in my drawer and pull out a rifle. My dad gave it to me for protection at all times, and in good arms reach when my father was gone and/ or at home. No one. Then I look and my windows are open. Then the hard wind blew in. Leaves were coming in. I put the rifle back in the drawer and went to close the windows. I walked up to the windows, while the wind was blowing on my fragile little body. Then as I look. I see a figure. He was standing on my front lawn. It looked like he tipped his hat at me. Then. He walked away. I then quickly shut the windows. But not so hard that they shattered into a million pieces.

I closed the curtains. I then went to the cabinet to get a match. I lit a match in the bathroom. I lit a candle right beside me. I opened the draped from my bed. "Shelby." A soft voice said. It sounded like it was coming from right behind me.

I turned around.

Nothing. That's just strange. Maybe I'm hearing stuff in my head. It maybe my house was haunted. That would've been nice. I read stories like that all the time. But not a lot. "Shelby." The voice said again. I grabbed my candle and looked around in the room. I looked in every crack, every nook and cranny. Still nothing. "I just need to get some sleep." I said. Talking to myself. I tend to talk I myself a lot.

So. With that I blew out one of the two candles, closed the drapes to my bed. But I left one open. I blew out the candle and closed the last drapes of my bed.

Darkness surrounded my body. It almost felt that I couldn't breathe. Then I opened the drapes that looked out onto the window. I laid back down. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

But even in my sleep, I still thought of Zak. Zak was the only one I could think about. "Zak." I whispered. Then I brung out a smile on my face. Just a small one. But the trears started to come back. I buried my head in my pillow and cried. "Why. Why do I weep for such a man.?" I said in my pillow. I lifted my head revealing heavy tears. "Why do I weep for you my love. But you don't know that I love you." I got out of bed, and walked to the window. "But. My love. I don't know If you love me. But if you love another." Then more tears came streaming down my face. "Oh why do I torture myself with such lies. Into my head and my heart? Why." I looked I the moon. "Oh moon. My dearest moon. How you shine so bright as you light the world. So as do the sun. But I shall make a wish on the most beautiful moon." I closed my eyes and made my wish.

"If it's true that Mr. Bagans does so love me. Then let it be. But if he does so loves another. Then I give my life for you to keep. And when I die. I shall walk the earth for all eternity."

My Story (A Zak Bagans Romance) UNDER RE-WRITING FOR A WHILEWhere stories live. Discover now