Chapter Thirteen

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<Xisuma> Hi everyone, we're calling off the investigations for Grian after receiving reliable information that we aren't needed. It's hard, but for now I think it's best that everyone tries to go back to normal life.

Sometimes being the sensible one was difficult. Xisuma wanted to see for himself that Grian didn't need them, he wanted to see with his own eyes that he wasn't in danger, but he knew he shouldn't. He didn't want to go back to normal without Grian, the server wouldn't be whole without him, but what else was there to do? He couldn't risk losing any more hermits.

The device in his hand buzzed as at least twenty new messages started coming through. He put it to the side, not wanting or feeling able to deal with any disagreements. How was he supposed to convince the others he'd made the right decision if he could barely convince himself?

He sighed and pulled his helmet off, grateful to be alone in his office. He leaned his head against the wall he was sat against and put his hands through his hair. He was the worst admin. He'd let all of this happen. Maybe if he'd just trusted Grian more, none of this would've happened.

He'd pushed all his guilt to the side while working to get him back, but now it was over and his emotions flooded his mind like a lake finally breaking down a dam that hadn't been maintained or repaired in far too long.

He had one job as admin, to keep everyone safe, and he'd failed. A few tears rolled down his cheeks as he silently cried. Grian was gone, forever, because he'd been irresponsible. His communicator continued to vibrate on the floor next to him, serving as a constant reminder that he'd failed the hermits.

A few more tears rolled down his face and he didn't hear anyone enter his house until a red, helmeted man entered the office. He took off his helmet to reveal his white hair and placed it on the desk before sinking down against the wall next to his twin, pushing the communicator further away, and wrapping his arm around the admin.

Xisuma leaned against him and continued to cry. They stayed silent, but the love and reassurance was radiating off of Evil X like light and heat from a fire.

The twins had their differences, but they were good brothers when they needed to be.

A few minutes later, Evil X pulled out his own communicator when he was sick of it constantly vibrating and glanced over the messages. Scar and Pearl were refusing to stop investigating and Zedaph and Cleo were trying to convince them, and a few other hermits were also saying things here and there, mostly on Scar and Pearl's side.

<GoodTimesWithScar> I just don't get how X can be so insensitive and expect us to just stop working to get our best friend back.

Scar said, replying to Cleo saying Xisuma's decision was 'for the best'. Sighing, slightly annoyed and glancing at the still broken Xisuma, he typed out a message.

<EvilXisuma> Do you really think it was an easy decision for him to make?

He managed to send it before anyone else replied, and the conversation slowed down considerably.

<Docm77> and what would you know, EVIL xisuma?

And just like that, the argument started up again. He sighed, desperately torn between defending himself and X and trying to calm everyone down, while at the same time, he didn't want to be on his communicator for too long because X needed him, and he didn't want to seem or actually be distracted.

<EvilXisuma> I'm his twin brother so I think I'd know quite a lot

He wondered whether the hermits would ever think that X could be upset. It angered him that they would be so selfish, but he knew he couldn't be angry now so he took a deep breath.

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