Chapter Fifteen

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Wow, you're getting strong. T∴𝙹 commented as Xelqua joined them at a world. It was one coming to an end, the buildings were burning and thick smoke was swallowing the otherwise clear sky. Xelqua decided to start a thunderstorm, lighting the few remaining structures on fire with lightning (and one person).

Would you like to do the honours? Oリᒷ suggested. Xelqua looked at them eagerly: he'd only done it twice before and hadn't done it very well, but now he was more powerful.

Yes please. He replied.

I'll go too. Oリᒷ said, before they both glided down the mountain they were stood on and landed at the centre of the civilisation. There were three types of end to worlds: type one, where the players built their own portal and moved on, type two, where the Watchers built the portal for them, and type three, where what was about to happen happened.

Xelqua stood on spawn back to back with Oリᒷ and summoned a layer of purple fog that sat just above the ground like a much darker, thicker and deadlier mist. All the fires turned purple, and they made themselves visible. He let his wings pick him up off the ground, feeling Oリᒷ do the same as they prepared for what was about to happen; an act so strong and massive it took two Watchers to do, hence why Watchers came in pairs.

They glanced up to see that T∴𝙹 was off the ground as well before lighting their hands on fire and doing it.

They removed every block. Bedrock, stone, wood, concrete, obsidian, sand, everything. The purple smoke rushed downwards before disappearing completely, leaving them hovering in nothing but darkness.

Xelqua breathed a sigh of relief as the humans and animals fell into the void. He'd done it, properly, no blocks left at the world borders, nothing. Everything was gone.

Good, Oリᒷ said behind him. They flew to T∴𝙹 and summoned in a new portal - since their old one was destroyed alone with everything else - before ending up back at their home.

Xelqua had always hated the feeling that came next; tiredness.

Watchers didn't sleep, their immortal bodies didn't need it, especially with all the magic flowing through them. However, a big task like that drained them. It was odd to feel Oリᒷ's magical presence weaker than normal, but at least that meant he knew he wasn't the only one weakened.

His body felt tired, like none of his limbs wanted to move. The magical fire inside him was weak, flickering bluntly and lazily like a normal fire being deprived of oxygen. Using magic became tiring and like a chore rather than fun and like he didn't even have to think about it.

He slowly wandered over to his bedroom and lay down on the large bed, feeling his mask start to kick into action. It began to pour magic back into him, binding to what was left and recovering. His body began to numb and before he knew it, he was sinking into unconsciousness.

* * *

When he woke up, it was about three hours later (or equivalent to that). His eyes opened sharply and he suddenly found himself staring at the ceiling through his mask, a small smile spreading across his face. He felt even better. Stronger than before. Even more powerful.

It was odd, it normally took a few 'days' to be fully recovered, but he was fantastic after only a few hours. Deciding to treat himself to a different jumper (dark purple), he pulled the material over his head before going downstairs to where T∴𝙹 was.

You're awake, they said, that was quick. They were holding their staff, letting the phoenix sit atop and stroking it gently.

Most of the more powerful Watchers owned staffs. They were different colours depending on their owners personal preference; Oリᒷ's was white and T∴𝙹's was dark purple. At the top, it become a sort of upside down tear drop shape, some of the material in the sphere cut out to make different patterns, like an intricate cage, to show the purple flame that sat inside.

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