Chapter Fourteen

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A/N - just saying the Watchers are all still named after numbers because Xelqua would never share their name to yall humans (read as: I'm too unimaginative to come up with actual names).

Xelqua felt good. Better than good. Like the good had been doubled from what was already good. For the last what-would-probably-be-equivalent-of-a-month, he'd been practising his magic, and he felt even stronger than before. The flame inside him was growing, getting hotter and hotter and larger and larger. His wings were also stronger, making it easy to keep up with Oリᒷ and T∴𝙹 as they flew through the void.

In fact, as they flew and approached a large island housing a temple similar to their own, Xelqua might've even been a little faster than them, overtaking them slightly and having to slow down. The three of them landed on the yellow rocky ground and walked to the door.

Hello, a new Watcher said after the door opened. I'm T⍑∷ᒷᒷ.

Hi, Xelqua said. T⍑∷ᒷᒷ lead them inside and Xelqua thought about them; he could sense their magic, and it was much stronger than any of the Watchers he'd met before. He knew Oリᒷ and T∴𝙹 were more powerful than most, maybe even twice as powerful, but T⍑∷ᒷᒷ was even stronger. He could tell. Maybe even three or four times as powerful as the average Watcher. Xelqua himself was approaching an average level of power, which was more powerful than he'd ever been before, so he wasn't discouraged.

They went through a few rooms until they ended up in a large, crying obsidian room with a rectangular table and six chairs surrounding it.

Take a seat, T⍑∷ᒷᒷ said, and they all sat down. Xelqua, it's nice to meet you. The said Watcher glanced at Oリᒷ and T∴𝙹 before replying.

Likewise, although he wasn't sure why it was nice nor why this meeting was even taking place. Sorry if it's rude to ask, but why don't you have a partner? Watchers are normally in pairs. (Partner, in this context, did not mean romantic. Most of the time, Watchers didn't have romantic partners anyway.)

I don't need one, I'm powerful enough to be two on my own. They replied. He nodded. I've heard a lot about you, you're a human hybrid, right?

Yes. He replied.

You're remarkably strong considering that. They said.

Thank you. He wasn't quite sure what to make of the whole conversation.

How are you doing with your worlds? Oリᒷ asked. From there, they talked about worlds, magic, other Watchers, portals and quite a few other things.

Time passed at the strange none-passing sprinting speed as it usually did in the Watchers' End. Xelqua felt slightly honoured to be there; before Hermitcraft, he'd always been left at home and excluded from meeting other Watchers, unless they were curious what he was like in which case he'd been there more as a conversation piece than anything else.

I think we should get going, Oリᒷ said eventually. They and Xelqua went to the door and T∴𝙹 stuck behind for a second before catching them up.

He's very... interesting, T⍑∷ᒷᒷ said quietly to T∴𝙹, keep an eye on him.

* * *

Time ticked by in weeks and seconds and with every visit to his worlds and every time he used his magic he grew stronger. Every 'day' he practised using the purple fire and every day the magic embraced him more and more. It didn't take him long to surpass the strength of an average Watcher.

* * *

Sleeping for seven days straight was unlikely to happen, being realistic, but when Mumbo woke up after only two days he was still a bit disappointed. He'd wished he could sleep forever and dream about Grian being on Hermitcraft, happy and friendly as always, probably pranking someone or putting him forward to be in charge of things without his knowledge, but when he woke up and glance out the window, his base was the same as it had been nearly three weeks ago.

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