13) No time ❤️🌏❤️ ( lizzie )

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Age : 14 years



Y/n's pov :

It was another boring morning with my boring morning routine . I am y/n olsen arnett ....Yea the daughter of elizabeth  olsen and robbie arnett...recently my mom was busy filming "avengers infinity war" and she didnt have anytime for me....She said she didnot have any time for me...But she spend her off time with her reel daughter ...Her name is claudia Bersentt ...She is 16 years old and very beautiful ...People told me i was beautiful  too...But I did not really care about it...Anyways. i felt bad everytime my mom turned me down and then next moment was chatting with claudia ..... I went with her on the set most of the days as my dad wasnt home many days ...He has his own work. And i was doing online classes. (Not because of covid)....

So it was time to get up..And yeah I am not like other celeb kids...My mom and dad are both strict and I have many files to follow in my house ...Like I have to wake up at 6 a.m. and exercise...I have come back home my 9 p.m. and if I was late i have to give proper reason else I would be grounded..... i wasnt given many laptops or phones ...Just one laptop and phone for school and classes..And they were strict about dating too...Until I was settled or did something to earn my own ...I could not start dating anyone...But I loved it because I was always with my mom and dad and they gave time....But not now...

I checked the wall clock ...It was 5 : 30 a.m. so I got up and went to my parent's room . They were sleeping . I sat on the bed near their legs. Dad might have felt something dug ..So he called me and he made me sleep beside him... I love my dad so much...He is the best dad and handsome too...No wonder why my mom fell for him.... I nestled into his chest ...His beard hit my forehead ...It was annoying but it's ok...I love my dad with beard ..He looks more handsome in it...My dad kissed my head and I felt relieved and fell asleep.

Lizzie's pov :

I woke up and tapped on my phone ...It was 6:30 a.m... I was a bit late...But nevermind. I looked at robbie and saw y/n snuggling into his arms and sleeping peacefully...They look so cute together .
She used to cuddle with me whenever she woke up early but for few months I am seeing that she is distant with me...I don't know why.? I have to reach the set by 9 a.m.so I stood up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. When I came back i saw robbie was awake and y/n was on his lap sleeping with her head on the crook of his neck. Although she was 14 but she was easy to pick up because of her light weight. Robbie saw me and have a smile. I sat down beside him .

"Good morning babe" he said...And kissed me.. i kissed him back...

"Good morning love" i said while smiling .

"Babe I have to go and take a shower ..U hold our baby girl...Don't wake her up" robbie said while passing y/n to me...

But she woke up and flinched shen she saw me...She hold onto her dad..

"What happened ?" I asked ..

"Nothing mom...Nothing ..." She said while getting off Robbie's lap ...

She walked to her room ....

"Why did she flinch?" I asked .

"I don't know...Maybe she had a bad dream about u" robbie said and went inside the shower ...

So I have to get ready now......

" Y/n get ready ...We have to leave in half and hour" i yelled...

Y/n's pov :

I have to leave in an hour ...I brushed my teeth ...And got dressed ....

I came downstairs and mom gave me and dad our breakfast....

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