Age : 2 years
Tw: blood and hit
Narrator's pov :
"Now wake up baby..Today u have play date at james house and it's already 8 a.m. now...We will got there by 10 a.m." wanda said and picked u up. U put ur thumb in your mouth and sucked it . Nat came and kissed ur head .
"Mommy " u said and leaned to her . She took u .
"Good morning baby girl " nat said and u tugged her shirt .
"No baby i don't have milk ....Ur mama has " nat said and passed u to wanda ..But u tugged nat's shirt .
"I want mommy to feed me..." U cried .
"I can't baby. I don't have milk now got to ur mama..Don't be fussy "nat said and wanda took u..
"Why can't mommy feed me?"u asked .
" we will tell u later baby when u will grow up " wanda said .
"Otay mama...swory if I hurt u mommy " u said .
"No , u didn't hurt me...It's ok..." Nat said and cheered ur mood up
"So u want an icecream after drinking milk ?" Nat said and rubbed ur back.
Wanda nursed u and u drank the milk happily . After 30 mins u latched off and nat brought small ice cream for u...
She fed u ...
"Thanks mommy u are the best " u said and nat smiled .
After some hours later . At 10 a.m.
"Let's go now baby " wanda said and dressed u like a doll .
"Mommy won't go?" U asked .
"No..I have important work " nat said and u got upset .
"Mommy u don't give me time...U don't love me anymore ?" U asked .
"No baby..Mommy loves u..Don't tell that she will get hurt ." Wanda said .
"It's ok she has said the truth...But I promise baby .next time u will be with me."nat said and bent down..U kissed her cheek .
"Bye mommy ." U said while wanda drove off
U reached there and saw james and Audrey both ready and they were waiting for u .
"Hi Audrey " wanda said .
"Hi Wanda come and sit please " Audrey said and they both hugged .
James hold ur hand and kissed ur cheek . And both of ur parents laughed
"They look so cute together " Audrey said .
"Let's go and play with my car. Do u like cars ?" James asked u .
"Yeah me like cars..remote?" U asked .
"Yeah..Come " he said and took u .
Wanda sat on a chair...It was very comfortable and u sat another chair.
"Come here y/n ..." Audrey asked u ...U like her much...So u waddled to her .
U sat on her lap.and suddenly Wanda's hands got locked from the chair she was sitting and Audrey put band on ur both hands . U both can't use ur powers . Suddenly Audrey threw u over the floor and u fell down. Ur head got cut and blood came out .
"Y/n !" Wanda yelled but her powers didn't come .
U cried and james now came and kicked ur stomach....
U cried hard now...u tried to go to wanda but the Hydra agents came from back..And baron was there ...
"Well done Audrey and james " he said and they all changed their clothes into Hydra suits .
Baron took u ..And slapped ur face...Which resulted ur mouth to bleed . U fell unconscious now .
"Don't touch her u monster .." wanda yelled .
"Wht will u do .? U are tied and can't get out ...U can't save ur daughter ...We came to know she has more power than u and nat has . I wanted a perfect mixture of u and a assassin and I got y/n
So I am going to take this shit....And u and nat can't do anything...Tell ur daughter bye for the last time...Or maybe wait wait wait we can transfer her powers to my son james and he can be the one we want ...So we will kill y/n...That would be better ..." Baron said and laughs like a demon ."No no..U take me...Not my daughter please ...We have been through many complications while having her..And after trying for 9 years we have her...We cant live without her..." Wanda begged but baron didn't listen to her ...
"Omg!! Then maybe I will kill her infront of u "he told and slapped ur cheeks hard ..And threw u over the floor . Ur small body rolled and u didn't wake up.
"Y/n...Please wake up..Mama and mommy needs u...U fucking baron...U just wait till nat and other avengers beat ur ass up." Wanda now yelled .
She was helpless. She was tied to chair which was very powerful and she could not get off.
Suddenly audrey came and hit her head with some heavy metal ...Blood came out and she fell unconscious..
They folk u and wand ato their lab to transfer powers .
~meanwhile at ur home ~
Nat tried to call wanda multiple times. It was almost 5 p.m. and wanda told she will be back by 2 p m. Max. Nat was getting tensed now..
Wanda told nat about the address so nat drove to their home.
She reached the place and took her gun out . And kicked the door. She went in and saw no one . She further went in and saw badge on the ground . She took it up and she saw it was hydra's symbol . She then saw ur ribbon and Wanda's wrist watch and some blood ...U understood and she ran out .
She now needed the avengers help . So she drove to the compound and it wasn't too far from ur home .
She went in and saw everyone was sitting in the common room .
"Tony ...They took them..." Nat just said and broke down.
Steve and client hold her...
" What who?". Tony asked .
Nat sat down and explained all the story..
"....And I found my baby's ribbon and Wanda's watch ..We need to find them""nat said .
"Don't worry ..Tony won't let happen anything to his niece " pepper said and consoled nat .
"We need to find the baron strucker's location first ...And then we would find wanda and y/n easily " tony said and checked his lab...Everyone was worried about u .
Pepper was consoling nat and giving her some water but just then....
Words : 1061
Thanks for reading....This is part 2 of teh sequel and it will only one more part...
Hope u like it..
Sorry for the cliffhanger ....

Elizabeth olsen ᗢ/her characters (wanda mainly) × Child Imagines..
Fanfictionopen and read to find happy lives...❤️🥂😚 This book will give u happiness if u ever imagined how it would be to have elizabeth Olsen as ur mom. So ❤️❤️ go on