open and read to find happy lives...❤️🥂😚
This book will give u happiness if u ever imagined how it would be to have elizabeth Olsen as ur mom.
So ❤️❤️ go on
"I can't ...I have games !!" U said and ran upstairs after finishing ur food . U weren't a gamer before ...But recently for 2 years u have become one...Lizzie and robbie has tried to stop by scolding u , grounding but u never stopped. U have been a very obedient , good , student and daughter . U have a sister of 2 years old. Her name is bella . U have changed a lot in 2 years . Everything has changed . So u have to change urself too....
"I dont know what to do with this girl " lizzie said
"I also dont know...She has changed a lot....previously she didnt used to touch video games ...But now she is just being a addicted gamer ...We have to do something !!"robbie said
"Maybe we can go to psychiatrist ...." Lizzie replied while putting a piece of pancake in Bella's mouth .
"Mama...No more " bella said and Lizzie kissed her head .
"Ok my baby girl..." Lizzie said ....Robbie kissed Bella's head too.
Lizzie picked up bella and they both went to ur room upstairs . They saw u busy with ur game .
"Yes ...!! Right....And left ...And yes...I won !!" U said and jumped. U saw Lizzie , robbie and bella .
"What do u want now ?" U ask again calming urself down.
"We are going out . So please look after ur sister .... We would be back before lunch time ...Make sure she is ok and take good care of her " Lizzie said
"Not again!! Tired of this shit " u whispered .
"What did u say?" Lizzie asked raising her eyebrow .
"Nothing.....Ok..." U said . Lizzie tried to give bella to u .
"Put her down..She has legs . She can walk ..." U said and saw Lizzie and Robbie's angry face now .
"Sorry..But please put her down " u said . Lizzie put bella down and she came to u ...U. Gave her an old controller . She played with it .
Lizzie and robbie left for their work . U were busy playing and bella came to u .
"Sissy...Toy" she said .
"Go play with ur own...Don't disturb me " u said .
"Please...." Bella said again..U told her again to go away .