open and read to find happy lives...❤️🥂😚
This book will give u happiness if u ever imagined how it would be to have elizabeth Olsen as ur mom.
So ❤️❤️ go on
I woke up on my mama's chest . I saw my brothers lying down on both side of her . I don't have a dad neither do my brothers have . They are 5 year old and I am 2 year old. Mama is always with me and them. I love my brothers and mama. Their name is Tommy and Billy . They are twins...I am homeschooled and my brothers go to school . I put my head back on mama's chest . It is dark outside so it is night . But I am hungry . My tummy is having pain because I am too hungry.i called softly .
She looked at me with her green eyes and my green eyes matched with her .My brothers have blue eyes .But I have my mother's eyes.
"Yes baby?" She said with soft voice.
" Mama me hungry" i said and my tummy growled .
"Come here baby girl"
She sat up and placed me on her lap...She put her shirt down and as soon as I saw her nipple i latched on and suckled . After 1 min the milk filled my mouth and I am happy now . It tastes so good. I kept on suckling until I felt asleep . After 30 mins i latched off and mama picked me up and patted my back...I burped ...She again placed me on her chest and stroked my hair. I fell asleep .
I woke up and now saw my mama..And brothers playing on the bed . I whined and tilted my head .
"Maa" i said..
My brothers and mama looked at me ..Billy and tommy ran to me and hugged and kissed my head. I went to mama...
"Mama...Me up" she picked me up and placed on her lap.
"Ok baby girl and boys ...U are going to meet someone special today. He is vision and he is momma's boyfriend . U will love him . He is so excited to meet u." Mama said and kissed all of our head .
"Mom when?" Tommy asked excitedly .
"We will meet at the central park. Its 8 a.m. now. So get ready by 9 a.m. boys and I will dress ur sister " mama said ...
"Ok mom..." Tommy and billy said and left towards their room.
"Mama...Vision good?" I asked .
"Yeah baby he is very good.and he liked baby girl like u...U will love him" mama said...
To be honest I am really scared of how will he be....My brothers get along with anyone but I can't . I am scared of everyone.
It was 8:30 a.m and mama got me dressed . Brothers came and we left towards the central park.