111) Messed up family ❤️🌎 part 1 (scarizze )

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Age : 4 years

Tw: family problems ⚠️

A/n - hey everyone . Going through sh*t rn and don't feel good at all .. hope u all are ok. Please vote the story .. thanks for supporting me . Love u all❤️

Y/n's pov :

I woke up with mommy (Scarlett) and mama (Lizzie) yelling at each other .

" SCARLETT , U ALWAYS BLAME ME " mama yelled


I slowly got down from bed and rubbed my eyes . Previously , i used to wake up beside mama and mommy . And we had so much fun.

"ENOUGH ELIZABETH " mommy yelled and I heard a glass fall down .

" WTF " mama yelled . I crunched and sat in stairs .

" Sorry " mommy said and cleaned the glasses

" I am going to set " mama said

" Then who will y/n stay with?" Mommy asked

" She will come with me "mama said .

" I want my daughter . " Mommy said

" She is mine . I birthed her " mama said

" And my seed fucking fertilised ur egg so she is born . And I am her mommy " mommy said . I am so confused about what mommy said .

"WELL YES . BUT SHE IS MINE " mama yelled

" SHE IS MINE TOO " mommy said .

I started to cry . Now mama and mommy looked at me ..

Mama ran to me . And mommy too .

" Honey for how much u were here ?" Mama asked

" For lonwg mama " i said sniffling as mama picked me up .

" Baby .. u are hungry ?" Mama said rubbing my tummy .

"Yws mama . Mommy why u and mama fiwght ?" I asked softly and wanted to go to mommy .

Mommy took me in her arms and kissed my head .

" Baby it's um me and ur mama is having some problems " mommy said

" Solwve " i said . She sighed and kissed my head .

" Baby u won't understand this ... Now who u wanna come with to set today mama or mommy ?" Mommy asked

" Mw wan u botf and famwily time " i said crying .

" Baby we both need to go to work . U have to choose one " mama said

" mw wan aunf flornwcw" i said . I don't wanna choose between mama and mommy

" Ok i will call florence " mommy said and called aunt Florence . After a while , mommy came and said

" U can stay with aunt Flo" . I was happy but at the same time I want my family .

" Now give me my daughter " mommy said to mama .

" She needs a feed and I will feed her and she is mine too " mama said

" Well , i can feed her too . Don't behave that u are the only mother she has "mommy said with attitude .

" Well I don't give a damn about that attitude of urs. Just fu-" mama stopped .

" Well yes I will go away but only with my daughter " mommy said

Elizabeth olsen ᗢ/her characters (wanda mainly) × Child Imagines..Where stories live. Discover now