Requested by DanicaVanZyl8
Age : 9 months
Tw: none
Narrator's pov :
Lizzie was busy doing her work in the kitchen . Just then robbie came down with sleeping u in his arms.
"Why did u came down ?" Lizzie asked .
"I know she will cry when she will wake up without seeing u....So being cautious from the first " robbie said and smiled . U always need lizzie....He sat on the kitchen table with u . U were in deep sleep.
"So are u having any plans today?" Lizzie asked while taking out two coffee mugs.
"No i dont have any plans today....I decided to spend some time with my baby and my wife ." Robbie said which made Lizzie smile.
"Babe.... Y/n has said her first words too soon. She was just 7 months...its too early. I think she is unique" robbie said and looked at u sleeping .
"Let's see ...Let her grow up a bit..." Lizzie chuckled She made coffee for both of them. She gave robbie his coffee . They took a sip. It's almost 8 :30 a.m.
"She just like u..Sleepy baby." Robbie said to Lizzie
"Excuse me hubby.....U are a sleeping monster and during this lockdown i am doing all of the household work...." Lizzie said with slight attitude .
"Ok...But u sleep a lot..." Robbie said and laughed
"U also sleep a lot and u snore ...U snore like bear ..." Lizzie said and they both laughed .
"So u are telling am I papa bear ..And u are mama bear ? And this is our baby bear ?" Robbie asked laughing..
"Maybe..." Lizzie said and laughed .
"I got a brilliant idea ...Let's dress y/n like a baby bear ...Please she will look so cute.." robbie said..
"Ok...But slow down...I will order a bear costume..With ears for y/n" Lizzie said and just then u woke up .
U cried as usual...Lizzie took u and got up.
"What happened baby? Don't cry...Mama is here " Lizzie said . U were hungry so Lizzie pulled her shirt down. And nursed u . U drank her milk fast.
"Slow down baby" Lizzie said and u slowed down a bit . After 45 mins u latched off and Lizzie burped u.
"Mama..." U said....U can talk...U learnt it early . U were just 7 months old....U can only say mama , dada , no and yes .
"What baby...U wanna play ?" Lizzie asked
"Yws " u said ...
"Ok let's go " robbie said . He tried to tale u from Lizzie but u didn't go to him.
"Mama..."u said and clinged to Lizzie .
"Ok...So u love mama " robbie said and made a fake sad face .
"Dada " u said and he went to u . U kissed his cheek .
"Aww...Thanks baby.." robbie said and kissed u back.
They went up to ur playroom and placed u down. U were playing with them . U can't walk still now .
Lizzie gave u a ring toy and u put it in your mouth immediately .
"No ...Don't put it in your mouth " Lizzie said and took it ..She got up to put the ring toys in the upper shelf . U wanted them ..U were very stubborn ...
U got up holding the stand beside u . U stood still...
"Lizzie see " robbie said and Lizzie turned around .
"Omg!!" Lizzie gasped ..But u just wanted that toy...So u put ur right feet first at front....And stood still...U then put ur left feet and stood still...Then u made a small step. U again did the same and waddled .
"Omg!! ...She is - she is walking at 9 months age..." Lizzie said and cried . Robbie took his phone out of his pocket and recorded it.
"Come baby..Come to mama " Lizzie said and bend down . U slowly waddled to her. .....But u fell down....Robbie hold u up and again u waddled ...U went to Lizzie and she hold u tight in her arms. She peppered kisses all over ur face. .
Robbie then bent down to opposite side of Lizzie in distant .Lizzie hold the camera now.
"Come to dada now..Come baby" robbie said
U looked at him and smiled . U again went to him making small steps . U fell down..Two times in between .
Robbie hugged u and kissed u..
"Aww our baby...U just did it so well...U are just 9 months old..." Robbie said and picked u up...
U whined and ur lips started to quiver now...Lizzie looked at the clock it was almost 12 p.m. so she again nursed u. After 45 mins u latched off ...
"Baby..U did a great job..U made mama and dada proud today .." lizzie said
Robbie already posted it in his instagram....
Robbiearnett* The video *
Liked by @scarlettjohansson and 1,239,890 people ...
**Our baby's first steps...She is just 9 months and took so big steps....It's such a good news so felt like sharing **
@sacrelttjoahnsson : omg!! Did my baby niece took steps so soon..Proud of u y/n .
@chrisevans : yes...It's such a good news...She looks so happy while walking@florencepugh : so when are we seeing the live telecast?
@ashleyolsen : great job niece ...Proud of u...
View all 200,000 comments ..
"See i told u y/n is unique..." Robbie said
"Yes now I think so..." Lizzie said and looked at u ...U smiled at her ..
"Aww...She is just cute and beautiful like her mama " robbie said
"And unique and worth like her dad " Lizzie said and robbie smiled
"Thanks babe...U are unique too...I love u " robbie said and kissed Lizzie
"I love u too" Lizzie said
"I lwve u " u said ...This was the first sentence u said
"Omg!! I will die with joy today..She just said I love u...Today is so Special..." Lizzie said
"Really...I am dying with happiness already.." robbie said and they both hugged u .
Words : 1001
Thanks for reading
Hope u like it DanicaVanZyl8

Elizabeth olsen ᗢ/her characters (wanda mainly) × Child Imagines..
Fanficopen and read to find happy lives...❤️🥂😚 This book will give u happiness if u ever imagined how it would be to have elizabeth Olsen as ur mom. So ❤️❤️ go on