open and read to find happy lives...❤️🥂😚
This book will give u happiness if u ever imagined how it would be to have elizabeth Olsen as ur mom.
So ❤️❤️ go on
Robbie wasnt home today..Lizzie and robbie both took an year off as u are born. U were planned . And they got pregnant after trying for 2 years . They wanted them to grow up with u . But Robbie's client wanted an important meeting with him. He has to go for two days . And lizzie has much work online . She is very busy and noone is there with u and Lizzie . U woke up in the morning and Lizzie did ur morning routine . Feeding u , she breastfeeds u then brushes u . Then dresses u and u keep on playing while she does her work .
Today was the same ...U were playing with doodle (Elizabeth's dog ) (A / N :*i am giving the picture of the dog here *)
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He was with u since u were born . And he always loved u . He was polite with u and very careful. He licked ur hands while u were playing ...U threw a ball and he ran and get it....Lizzie was sitting beside u two doing her work and watching u guys play....
"Dwwodle go" u said while throwing. The ball...
He played with u ....After 1 hour of playing he got exhausted and sat . U crawled to him and placed ur head on his stomach and sucked ur thumb.
Suddenly Lizzie got a phone call .
"Yeah. ...I am online...Ok from 1 p.m. ok ok" she said and cut the call...
"Baby i have a importang meeting from 1 p.m." she said and kissed u head ...She kissed doodle too..She loves u both a lot...
She looked at her watch and saw it is always 12 o' clock...
Her phone rang again .This time it was robbie .
R = robbie L = Lizzie .
R = hi how is y/n doing ?
L = great ..She is fine playing with doodle . U wanna see her ?
R= sure ....ofc
L = ok..
She switched call to video call
R= hi baby...
He said while u looked at home with much wonder in ur eyes . Lizzie picked u up and placed u on her lap while she set the phone on the table.
L = see that's dada .
She said while pointing to the picture on the phone ...
R= hi whats my doll doing ?.
Y. = Dada ...!! Cwme
U said while stretching ur hands .
R= aww ...I will come back soon doll...U look so cute.. i love u so much baby...Doodle ?!!
He called doddle ..He looked up and ran to the table... He put his paw on the table and peeped into the phone ..
R= hi boy...U are being very good...Take care of ur mama and sissy.....
He said and doddle replied it with a woof nad went back .
R= bye babe...Bye doll...Dada will come back u
L = bye.babe ...Love u too...We miss u
He cut the call.she gave doddle his food and after he ate he sat on the couch .
Just then u tugged her shirt indicating that u are hungry . She kissed ur head and pulled her shirt and bra down .She Put the nipple on ur lips and u latched on and after 45 mins u latched off..She dressed herself and put u on the couch beside doddle..And she went to the kitchen to do the meeting .
Her meeting started at 1p.m. and but she forgot u had ur nap time from 1 p.m.and u needed her or robbie . Mainly u needed ur mama during ur nap time . U started to become fussy. Doddle looked at u...U hold his paw and started to put it in mouth. He took his paw back and made a 'woof', growled . Nothing to scare u but to resist u to put his paw into ur mouth. U now wanted ur mama. U started to get down the couch ...Doodle put ur shirt in his mouth so that u don't fall while getting down...U got down ..And crawled half way to the kitchen .
"Mama...Mama" u yelled and crawled into the kitchen .
"Shs! Not now baby...Go " she said and turned u back ..
"Nw...Mama" u said and got back...
These happened for couple of times which made Lizzie irritate . She ended her meeting and scolded u a bit...
"Y/N...WHY ARE U BEING FUSSY...GO AND PLAY WITH DODDLE . U KNOW MAMA HAS WORK." Lizzie raised her voice which made u flinch and u cried .
Lizzie just understood what she has done...She looked at the clock and gasped ...
"OMG!! IT WAS HER NAP TIME AND I MISSED IT..SHE WANTED ME ...SHIT " she murmered and u continued to cry....She picked u up and kissed ur head ...
"Sorry baby..mama was being busy with her work...So sorry...I should be busy with u more than any other thing in the world...Mama i so sorry..U can take a nap now...I am there let's go" she said and took u to the couch . Doddle wagged his talk seeing u and Lizzie .
Lizzie cradled u and u sucked ur thumb..She put ur pacifier in ur mouth and kissed ur head ....
She sang lullabys for u and stroked ur hair ...U stopped crying now...She rubbed circles on ur back which made ur eye lids heavier . After some kissed and cuddles . U fell asleep on her chest . She rested her head back and then again looked at ur face...
"Aww...Mama will never miss ur sleep time...U are my good girl..." She said and again kissed ur head .
Doddle looked at lizzie ... "Aww..Doddle baby..U are my good boy..U are a prefect brother for y/n...Love u boy " she said and kissed his head which made him wag his tail fast...And Lizzie patted his back ...He also slept...