open and read to find happy lives...❤️🥂😚
This book will give u happiness if u ever imagined how it would be to have elizabeth Olsen as ur mom.
So ❤️❤️ go on
A/n - Hey everyone I am trying to recover from my yesterday's incident .. anyways . I love u all so much as u all supported me and helped me .. thank u ❤️
Y/n's pov :
I woke up from a very sore and heavy head . I sat on bed for 5 mins before rushing to the bathroom to throw up .
I am at my mum's place . My mum , Elizabeth Olsen wanted me to stay with her for a week as Scarlett , my wife was out of city for some work . We have been married for 2 year but she is 13 years elder to me . My dad was against the marriage before . But mum supported me . She knows scarlett very well as she is her co star too . Anyways , so after I threw up . I took a pregnancy test , god knows why ..
I was panicking to look at it . Finally I looked and SHIT SHIT SHIT ..! I AM PREGNANT !? I panicked ...
I could not breathe .. i have to calm down ..
" Mum.!" I called for her . After sometime she came upstairs almost running .
" Yes what? U ok?" She asked hugging me .
I sobbed in her arms . I handed her the pregnancy test .
" OMG REALLY?" she asked with excitement and a big smile which immediately vanished as she saw me sobbing .
" Hey hey .. don't u want the baby ?" She asked .
" I do but is Scarlett ready for a baby?.." i start to panick more .
" Hey hey hey ...It's oo shhhh ...I will talk to her .. u need to take care of urself and the baby ...Ok? Now have some breakfast " mum said.
" Dad will accept it ?" I asked.
" Yes ofc he will .. it's such a good news .." mum said and hugged me .
" I am 22 can I take care of it ?" I asked
" See being a mum doesn't depend on age ... I had u when I was 21 . Am I a bad mum? .No then u can also do it " mum said . I felt so warm in her embrace .
" Now let's go" mum said wiping my tears .I went down and saw dad sitting and waiting for us at the table .
" Hey is everything ok?" He asked . I hung my head down .
" Mhm..Our daughter is having a baby .. " mum said . Dad looked at me and then jumped .And hugged me .
"Omg .....Really !!! I am so happy. ..Wow.... I am gonna be a grandpa " he said and I chuckled at his excitement .
We ate our food ..
*Time skip *
^After a week ^
Lizzie's pov :
Y/n is very sacred to tell Scarlett that she is pregnant . So I will have to manage . She is in her room today .. and Scarlett can come any moment ... Just then the door bell rang .
" Hey Liz " Scarlett said with smile on her face and a big hug embracing me .
" Hey scar . We need to talk" i said . She sat down .
" So it's like , y/n wanted to tell it by herself but she is panicking a lot " as I said Scarlett stood up .
" WHAT HAPPENED ?" Now Scarlett started to panick.
" Calm down scar .. sit down ... "I said and she sat .
" So the news is , y/n is pregnant with ur child and she is very scared to tell u thinking u don't want a baby now " i said .
" OMG !! REALLY?" Scarlett asked tears filling up her eyes .. but they were happy tears .
" Mhm" i said and Scarlett hugged me .
" Can I meet y/n?" She asked . I nod . She ran upstairs .
Y/n's pov :
I heard footsteps come towards my room and immediately the door opened to reveal scarlett in front of me .
She came and hugged me .. she kissed me on my lips , forehead .
" Omg babe . How did u think that I won't love the baby? I always wanted a family with u .I love u " Scarlett said and kissed me .
" I love u too ..." I said . I felt so safe in her arms . ..
We kissed .
*Time skip*
~after 9 months ~
We are now sitting with our daughter , Isabella in Scarlett's arms .I gave her birth 2 days ago . Now everyone is admiring her . My family is very much obsessed with isabella.
" She has ur features scar...Her eyes specially ! "mum said to my wife.
" Yes she does " dad added . Scarlett looked at me .
" I know she does . I always wanted a little scarlett running around the house " i said and pecked her lips .
I have breastfed her a few minutes before now it's her sleeping time . Scarlett is softly cradling her in her arms .
She is humming a lullaby and everyone has a smile plastered on her face . Isabella gently wiggle her arms and Comforts herself in her another mom's arms . We all smiled looking at her cuteness . I gently kiss Isabella's head as she fell asleep . And Scarlett did the same . This was the family i wanted .
" Happy family " i mumbled but everyone heard me and smiled . Mum gave a nod . Scarlett pecked my lips . I put my head on Scarlett's shoulder which was the safest place on the earth .