48) The girl we met!! ❤️🌏 (scar and lizzie) part 1

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Age of reader : 5 years old.

Scarlett's age : 38

Elizabeth's age : 35

Tw:abuse , mentions of blood, intimacy

A/N : each part will be not more than 1500 words



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( This is the cover of the book...Check it..)


Y/n's pov :

He grabbed me by my neck and threw me across the bed . Then he came and slapped my face hard which resulted blood coming out from my mouth . He didn't stop there . He took out a knife and
Slit my hands and legs . Blood came out .

"No stop!!" I said but he didn't .

After 15 mins of abusing me . He said .

"No go away from my eyes . Fucking asshole " he said and I ran out of the room .

He is my father , yess!! My biological father . He abuses me after my mom left me. She was 18 years old and she left me with this monster . She isn't less than a monster too. It was ok until my grandma was here but she died when I was 1 year old and from then the events took great turns . I wish I have a normal life like other children's have . A mother, a father and me..Or i have seen some having two mothers . I think how much it would be to have two mothers . I have grown up without a mom . It's tough . I am 5 years old but this cruel life of me made me learn many things and hardships . From 1 year old i am fighting with this monster continuously abusing me and he let's his friends abuse me too. I cannot ask for help because he doesn't let me go out or go to school. He does all household work with me which I can do. He even burnt a part of my leg for not giving him the food . It is ok now . I have never seen happiness in life . And today is my birthday ...Yess 5 th birthday ...But I have no one to celebrate my birthday with. So i headed into the kitchen and found a small muffin. I tool it to my bed and lit a candle .

"God!! Every year i wish for the same thing ...A mom ...Just a mom...I never had one. God why i have such a difficult life . Why can't i live like other children . I wish nothing but a caring family...Is it to much ? I have tuned 5 today and i dont know for how many years i have to be in this hell...Is it for my entire life? Wont i ever get a love of a mom..Or a loving family?" I said and new the candle...

"Happy birthday to me!" I said and giggled .

~at Scarlett and Lizzie's house ~

Narrator's pov :

"Hi babe ...Good morning " Scarlett said as she looked at her beautiful wife sleeping .

"Hi babe...Good morning " lizzie said and kissed Scarlett's lips. She kissed her back and started to kiss down Elizabeth's neck . After 5 mins of kissing .,Lizzie pushed Scarlett and said.

"Not now...We had fun last night and please put ur pants and shirt on...Rose is going to come in any moment " Lizzie said while looking at Scarlett and her's naked Body...She could see Scarlett's become hard again...

"Now put ur pants and shirt on " Lizzie said and Scarlett groaned .

"Ok...But last night was fun right?" Scarlett said while putting her pants up.

"Yes...U always pleasure me the way I want .U are the best wife and I love u so much..I am glad that we have a daughter together. And I carried her . " Lizzie said and got up.

She was naked so she grabbed her shirt and pants too. Just then rose came and ran into lizzie's arms .

"Mama...." She said and Lizzie kissed her head .(A/n: rose is 10 years old .)

"Mommy" rose said and jumped to Scarlett .

"Yeah baby...U had good sleep ?" Scarlett asked and kissed her daughter . Rose was their biological child. (A/n: guess how!!🙄🔪)

"Yeah mommy" rose said and put her head in Scarlett's crook of neck .

"So let's get down and eat breakfast " Lizzie said.

"Mama can u feed me today?" Rose asked .

"Yeah ofc baby..I will feed u today " Lizzie said and took rose from Scarlett .

They went down and sat and had their breakfast .

"Babe , remember we have a family day today?" Scarlett said while taking a bite of her pancakes .

"Yeah ...So let's go to the zoo. What do u say baby girl ?" Lizzie asked rose while putting a piece of pancake in rose's mouth .

"Yayy!! It will be fun" rose said and hugged Lizzie .

" We will have a great family day today" Scarlett said .

( Y/n's house )

~y/n's pov ~

After eating my muffin . I pulled out a pant and a shirt . It was given by someone i dont remember . I decided to go to the zoo today. It was my birthday and Sunday too so...It will be fun. I went out sometime . Yes my father knew . He would be happy to send me away . But he would check u wore ful sleeves and full pants not to show anyone my scars . I went out and said that I wa saling to zoo...It was hot but u had to wear full sleeves and pants. He said .

"Yeah...Please go away u whore ...Hope u never come back and die on the road...Is could be happy"

Tears fell down my cheeks .

"Now don't cry u fucking whore ...Go away" he said

"But dad-" i said

"Don't call me dad..I am not ur dad " he said while taking a sip of his alcohol .

"Can u give me money to eat?" I asked .

"No beg ...And have ur own money " he said and I could not bear it anymore ...I thought of leaving this hell . I didn't know where to go, what to eat but I don't want this anymore . I picked my bag.amd took my clothes and left my house . I first went to zoo...I did have money to buy the ticket . So I entered the zoo after buying the ticket . I first went to lion's cage .

It roared ...Wow...!! AFter roaming around . I sat down and filled my bottle from a nearby tap . I sat down and drank the water .

I noticed two woman sitting . One with blue shirt and black pants .She has short hair , full blonde and tinge of black on the base ,her eyes were green just like mine.. and another woman ,wearing a green dress which was short length and has brunette hair with green eyes as well.. a girl was sitting on the lap of woman with the green dress . She seems older than me . She was wearing purple shirt and pink pants . Probably the woman was her mother . She called her mama...I wish I had a mom...I thought . I was looking at them and suddenly they looked at me...Their eyes met mine . I immediately broke the eye contact and got nervous ...They were looking at me . I started to get nervous and got up .I was at least happy that I was clean today and wearing good dress.. I was going to walk but one of the woman's voice stopped me ..

"Wait ! Umm...Child wait " a husky voice of one of the woman stopped my legs .


Words : 1230.

.......Thanks for reading .......

Hope u like it ....

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