Requested .
This story has no relation with the life of audrey williams and Hank Williams not it has with the movie " i saw the light " it is fully my story and all rights reserved ..
The name of the children and age are improvised my me .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Age: 1 year , and 17 years
David's ( their son): 6 years and 22 years .
Tw : none
A/n - it took me total half and hour to write 2037 words ...Lol .. anyways hope u will like the story and enjoy reading it .. ..Please vote ... Thank u ,...Love ya
" Audrey . It's impossible to live with u " i heard dad yelled . I and my brother david have our own room .. we were a happy family . But nowadays mama and daddy are fighting a lot . I don't know why .
"David , why are mama and dada figwhting ?" I asked my elder brother David .
" I don't know sis ..." I said .
" HANK ...U ARE JUST IMPOSSIBLE TO HANDLE " i heard mama shout .
" ENOUGH AUDREY " i head daddy shout and break a glass .
I got scared and hugged david .
" Mom !! Dad!!" David yelled while I sat on the bed shivering .
I heard footsteps and first to enter and pick me up was mom . I cried loudly .
" No baby shhh.. shh" mama said and cooed me up and down .
Audrey's pov :
I was cooing y/n up and down . While Hank took david .
" He is my son " i yelled .
" Not at all . He is mine " Hank yelled back ...
" Mama stwop" y/n said hiccuping . She was struggling to breathe . So I took her to another room .
" Baby see mama .. breathe baby please ... " I said and made her follow my breathe . She is now ok . She put her head on my crook of neck and started to sniffle .
I went downstairs and saw Hank and David .
" I WANT DIVORCE " he said as I went down .
" SO DO I " i yelled back .
"And I will take my children " hank said which shook me .
" No u won't ... U can't " i said .
" WHAT ? HE IS MY SON !" I said and Hank threw some papers at me .
I saw it . It was DNA text which said David is not my son .
" BUT ..HOW IS I-" i said which shocked tone . I remember giving birth to him .
" YES IT IS . HE IS BETTY'S BOY NOT URS . BUT Y/N IS URS " he said and threw another DNA test it said y/n is mine is Hank's daughter . Actually Hank is cheating on me with Betty . I came to know it a few days ago and he said it was for some years . But I didn't knew for 5 years ..I was shocked , broken and hurt
" But how did david come ...I am confused " i said almost breaking down .
" u see when u were pregnant with our first child . Betty was pregnant too with my child . And she was just 20 then . I didn't know what to do . But when our first child died . I replaced david and said it was ours .. but he is mine and Betty's boy " Hank said .

Elizabeth olsen ᗢ/her characters (wanda mainly) × Child Imagines..
Fanfictionopen and read to find happy lives...❤️🥂😚 This book will give u happiness if u ever imagined how it would be to have elizabeth Olsen as ur mom. So ❤️❤️ go on