Chapter 1

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I see him every day. Images of him have been plastered on the front page of newspapers. Sometimes the Wasp made the first page. Not often, though. Mostly to comment on her cowardly disappearance and that she was probably dead. Mainly Spiderman took the front page as the days passed. The headline always belittled him. Spiderman was a hero. He saved me from the water that night. At least I'm pretty sure he did.

The second I hit the water I blacked out. Next thing I knew I was in a hospital room. My side was stitched up and my suit was missing. A week went by before I was sent home, with no relocation on how I got the scar forming on my side. The doctor called it retrograde amnesia. That my brain was blocking whatever caused my wound. My memories could come back someday. Yet here I was almost two years later. Nothing came back. My mind was blank. I couldn't remember anything after I hit that water. I wanted to remember. I wanted to know what happened. Goblin was gone and I needed to know how that happened. I could just ask Spiderman, but I haven't seen him in person since.

I haven't even put on my suit or used my powers. How could I? I failed. Goblin easily took me down. I wasn't any help. I was just holding him back. Spiderman was the true hero this city needed. It didn't need me. It didn't need a broken hero. Spiderman didn't need me by his side. He's been just fine without me.

It hurt to ignore him. What we had, whatever it was, was something I became addicted to. To not have him by my side felt like a piece of me was missing, but I couldn't be who he needed anymore. I couldn't be the Wasp. It wasn't in me anymore.

With each day that passed, I got farther and farther from those days. From what used to be love. The only things in my life were my friends and my job. I went to work, came home, and repeated. Every so often I'd hang out with Mary Jane, Harry, or Peter. Not often, though. That's where I am with my life. Just a walking robot at this point. So if you were here for action or a love story, then I'm sorry to get your hopes up. That's not my life anymore and I don't think it'll ever change. This is my life now. The life of Nova Anne Bailey.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Welcome back. Thank you for reading my first book and returning for the sequel. You're in for a bumpy ride. I'll post every Sunday and Thursday. This is one of my shortest chapters, I promise there will be longer ones. Have a good day and be good people.~~

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