Chapter 11

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Spiderman was the first to land on the tower, with Dr.Octavius already waiting for us. Dr.Octavius glanced up at Spiderman then to me, as I landed next to Spiderman. A smile grew on his face. This was exactly what he wanted. We were following his plan step by step, but this was our only choice: we needed to get Mary Jane and bring him down.

"Where is she?" Spiderman asked, looking at Dr.Octavius.

"Oh, she'll be just fine. Let's talk." Dr.Octavius signaled with his hand to come closer to him.

I glanced over to Spiderman who nodded. We were both on the same wavelength. Spiderman lunged for Dr.Octavius first, sending a few kicks and punches, before getting tossed off the side of the tower. I followed closely behind. Holding my ground against Dr.Octavius and two of his tentacles, the other two fighting Spiderman dangling on the side of the tower.

A feeling of an urgency to move came over my mind. I glanced towards Spiderman to see an arm from the clock on the tower coming towards Dr.Octavius and I. I backed away from Dr.Octavius quickly as he turned his full attention to the clock arm.

Catching it in his tentacles, he snapped it in half and sent it flying back at Spiderman. I watched as two webs attached to Dr.Octavius and dragged him into a freefall with Spiderman. The two landed on top of a train as it moved past.

I quickly followed, catching up to them in no time. Sensing my presence, Spiderman ducked as I flew over him and landed a solid kick on Dr.Octavius. Spiderman and I exchanged blows to Dr.Octavius, him and his tentacles proving to be a tough opponent.

Within a few seconds the tables turned. Dr.Octavius had grabbed Spiderman and thrown him off the train. Leaving me alone to fight him. I dodged his tentacles as he tried to strike me with them. Every few swings I found an opening and tried to attack. Each one getting shut down, before one lucky hit.

I landed a kick on Dr.Octavius, sending him to the side of the train. I joined him on the side, grateful for the traction on my feet and hands that that wasp had given me. I fell victim to the same fate as Spiderman after a few moments. Feeling tentacles wrap around my body, I went flying into the train cabin.

People stared at me and screamed in fear as tentacles grabbed for me. They disappeared outside of the train as I moved throughout the cars. I could catch him off guard this way. Seeing a tentacle out of the corner of my eye, I crashed through a window to get to Dr.Octavius.

Dr.Octavius quickly countered my attacks, as I noticed Spiderman making his way back. Dr.Octavius's eyes locked on something behind me as he moved to the top of the train. I heard Spiderman's voice warning me to move before it was cut off by Dr.Octavius attacking him. I glanced behind me, feeling something approaching me, to see a train coming from the other direction. Thinking quickly I jumped back into the cab of the train as the other passed.

Hearing the sound of Dr.Octavius's tentacles and seeing the indents caused in the ceiling, I easily found where Spiderman and Dr.Octavius were fighting. Going out through a window, I tried to catch Dr.Octavius off guard, only to have the tide turned on me.

A tentacle wrapped around me and sent me flying off the train. Regaining my senses, I headed back to the train. Spiderman and Dr.Octavius both still fighting. I watched as Dr.Octavius crashed two of his tentacles through the windows of the train and pulled two passengers out. Both of them screamed as he threw one and then the other. Spiderman easily saved the first, but missed the second. I pushed my wings into overdrive as I caught the final person. I dropped the man in the same web that held the other person.

Looking back up towards Dr.Octavius and Spiderman, a small gasp escaped my lips as I saw Spiderman being flung towards me. I planted my feet on the train's roof and caught Spiderman, before he could fall into the traffic below us.

"Looks like I fell for you again."

Spiderman's voice was playful as I let go of him. I smiled slightly remembering our first meeting. Turning our full attention back to Dr.Octavius. We watched as he came to the front of the train and shoved one of his tentacle's through the roof. Spiderman and I ran across the roof to get to Dr.Octavius. The train shifted underneath us and sped up. It became clear what Dr.Octavius had done when the handle used to control the speed was tossed at us.

"You two have a train to catch."

Dr.Octavius smiled as he jumped off the train. The train had no control now. We were the only ones who could stop it. In order to do so we'd have to give up on Dr.Octavius and let him get away. I looked towards Spiderman and made a last minute call.

"I'm gonna follow Doc Ock. You save the people and catch up to me."

Spiderman nodded as I flew to follow Dr.Octavius. His trail wasn't hard to catch onto. I just needed to follow the craters in the sides of buildings, where his tentacles had grabbed onto to move him forward.

Finding Dr.Octavius would mean I'd find Mary Jane. Getting Mary Jane back home safe and getting Dr.Octavius behind bars was all that mattered. I could handle myself for a while. Spiderman would catch up to me in no time.

All hope of finding Dr.Octavius drained from me as the trail suddenly ended. I searched around for it to start up again, but it didn't. Dr.Octavius had escaped. Damn it. My only choice now was to help Spiderman save those people on the train.

I retraced my steps and made it back to where the train used to be. I followed the track for a while, before the train came into view. It had been stopped and was dangling off the end of the tracks slightly.

I paused my flight. No Spiderman. Where'd he go? Surely I would've passed him, if he was coming to find me. I glanced around for any signs of Spiderman. My eyes stopped on a passenger waving me towards the train. Did they know where Spiderman was?

Once I got closer I noticed Spiderman in the train being held up by passengers. I quickly climbed in a broken window and made my way to Spiderman's side, ignoring people's stares. Many people were still shocked I was alive and back. I pulled Spiderman's arm around my shoulder. I took on most of his weight, due to him not being able to hold himself up.

"You lost Doc Ock's trail?" Spiderman asked.

I hummed as I wrapped an arm around his side to hold him up better. His suit was damaged and I tried my best to avoid placing my hand on a cut on his side. He was exhausted, the only thing keeping him on his feet was me.

"You alright?" I asked as I felt his body flinch slightly.

"Yeah, nothing a little sleep won't fix."

I pulled my attention away from Spiderman's words as the train's doors were pulled off their hinges, by all too familiar tentacles. Dr.Octavius appeared in the doorway and smiled.

"Spiderman's mine."

"Can you stand?"

I whispered into Spiderman's ear and caught him nodding slightly. I slowly let go of Spiderman making sure he was able to stand. I started towards Dr.Octavius, but before I could even start a fight a tentacle collided with my face sending me flying back. Conscious faded from my body, as I heard another impact.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Merry Christmas eve. One more day till Christmas and the finale. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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