Chapter 2

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Tonight was the first night in a while I had plans. It was Peter's birthday. I had been invited to his surprise party. I hadn't seen Peter in a while. He'd been wrapped up in a lot of things. Once I got home from work, I switched clothes and headed back out. I still needed to grab something for Peter.

Pulling up to a small store, I removed my motorcycle helmet. I kicked the stand and got off. I smiled at the store owner as I walked back to the small card section. I came here often when I needed things. The owner had taken a shine to me. She was one of the sweetest people I've ever met.

I pulled a small card from the rack and headed upfront. She smiled as she greeted me. I paid and said my goodbyes before heading out. I pulled a pen from my pocket and quickly signed the card. I placed a few bucks into it. I put the card into the small compartment on the side of my bike.

I started back on the road and headed for Aunt May's. I parked around the corner, so Peter wouldn't have any clue anyone else was at his Aunt's house. I grabbed the card and dismounted my bike. Reaching the door, I knocked and was quickly greeted by Aunt May.

"You're right on time. Peter should be here any minute." She smiled as she pulled me inside.

I quickly noticed Mary Jane and Harry. They smiled and greeted me. The tension that I thought would've been between them, was non-existent. They had broken up after Harry's father passed. They still somehow remained friends afterward.

I talked for a few minutes with Aunt May, Mary Jane, and Harry. Mainly about how our lives were going. Mary Jane had gotten a starring role in a play. I'd go see it when I got the chance. Harry was the new head of OsCorp. He'd invested in a man I was in charge of bodyguarding, Otto Octavius. He was some bigshot scientist. I was barely able to keep up with what the man said. All I knew is he had an expensive rock, tritium, that made him a target for robbery. That's why I was highered by OsCorp to protect him and their investment.

Before long Peter showed up. He rounded the corner and we all smiled as we yelled surprise. Peter seemed confused but also happy to see us. He locked eyes with me and quickly looked away. He'd been acting weird around me since I woke up in the hospital. I've barely seen him. He visited a lot when I first woke up but after I got discharged, it was like he was avoiding me. I'd spoken to Aunt May more than I've spoken to Peter in the past two years.

"Well, say something." Aunt May smiled.

"What's the occasion?" Peter asked as he fully entered the room.

He must have a lot on his plate, to forget his own birthday. Aunt May mentioned something about him struggling in school and having a hard time paying rent. I felt bad for Peter. Whatever was holding him back from being his full potential, was serious.

"Really, Peter. It's your birthday! Whether you want to remember it or not." Aunt May pulled Peter into a hug.

"He lives in another reality. Don't you, Pete?" Mary Jane joked as Peter came to Harry, Mary Jane, and I's side.

"Hi, Mary Jane." Peter smiled, then turned to Harry. "Hey, buddy."

"Hey." Harry answered as Peter turned to me.

"Long time, no see."

"Yeah, I've been wrapped up in work."

His eyes reached mine. They seemed different and yet familiar at the same time. I smiled slightly as his eyes seemed disappointed. He's looked at me like that since the first time he saw me in the hospital. Every time he came he seemed disappointed. I never understood why. Still don't. A short silence fell, but Peter quickly started a conversation with Mary Jane.

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