Chapter 3

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A few days passed since Peter's birthday. I've been working a lot. Dr.Octavius was pretty easy to bodyguard. He was also really nice. So was his wife, Rosie. She was his right hand man, or in this case woman.

I awoke early and switched into the appropriate clothes. Most female bodyguards wore cocktail dresses, but I found it easier to wear pants and a shirt. It made carrying and concealing my gun easier. Of course I had to bite the bullet sometimes. Depending on the event or who I was guarding. Thankfully, Dr.Octavius was pretty relaxed.

I stopped by a local cafe and grabbed a coffee and a chocolate croissant before heading to work. I flashed my badge to the guard at the front door. I entered when he nodded. Dr.Octavius was already hard at work. Tomorrow was his big day. He was going to demonstrate his entire life's work to OsCorp and a few other scientists.

I gave a small smile to Rosie as she waved at me before returning back to her husband. I pulled a crossword book from my pocket as I sat down in my chair. My days were pretty relaxed, thanks to the small number of people. No one could get in here easily. They had to be let in by the guard by the door and even at that there were a few more guards around the building. Tomorrow was going to be a different story. There were going to be more people, meaning there were going to be more guards inside.

I looked up as I heard the door open. Raymond walked in. He was one of Dr.Octavius's assistants. Behind him two people followed. Peter and Harry. Raymond nodded to me and I pointed towards Dr.Octavius. I gave Peter and Harry a small wave as Raymond called to Dr.Octavius.

"Doctor? Mr. Osborn's here."

Dr.Octavius turned in his chair and stood. He walked towards Harry as Harry began down the steps.

"Nobel Prize, Otto." Harry smiled as he shook Dr.Octavius's hand. "Nobel Prize and we'll all be rich."

"It's not about the prizes, Harry." Dr.Octavius spoke.

"Nah, but you need money. You need OsCorp."

Dr.Octavius wasn't one to depend on people easily. The only person he ever truly depended on was Rosie. He didn't like having to admit that he needed OsCorp, but he knew Harry loved his position of power.

"Who do we have here?" Dr.Octavius pointed to Peter, who followed Harry.

"This is my good friend I called you about. He got me through high-school science." Harry patted Peter's shoulder.

"Peter Parker, sir." Peter shook Dr.Octavius's hand. "I'm writing a paper on you for-"

"Yes, yes. I know what you're doing here but I really don't have time to talk to students now."

Dr.Octavius cut Peter off. Dr.Octavius hated putting his work on hold. Even now, with everything done. He was triple checking it by now. He'd check until Rosie pulled him away from his work. Harry cleared his throat, signalling that he had to talk to Peter. Dr.Octavius sighed as he caved.

"But OsCorp pays the bills, so..."

"That's right. That's why I have to take off, board meeting, but my job is done here. Got you two geniuses together. Good luck tomorrow, Otto. Nobel Prize." Harry walked back to the door and soon left.

Peter seemed nervous to talk to Dr.Octavius. I was too when I first met him. We haven't talked much. Mostly because as a bodyguard we aren't supposed to form a friendship with our clients. We're meant to protect them, not meant to make friends.

"Interesting fellow, your friend." Dr.Octavius tried to clear the air.

"Well, I won't take much of your time-" Peter hesitantly fidgeted with his pen.

"Parker." A lightbulb seemed to go off in Dr.Octavius's head. "Now I remember you. You're Connors' student. Tells me you're brilliant. He also tells me you're lazy."

"I'm trying to do better." Peter spoke softly.

"Being brilliant's not enough, young man. You have to work hard, intelligence is not a privilege, it's a gift, and you use it for the good of mankind."

A silence fell between the two before Peter gestured to Dr.Octavius's machine and they began talking about it. I mainly tuned out but what little I picked up wasn't anything I could really understand. Science was never my strongest subject.

The two spoke for a while before my shift came to an end. Dr.Octavius was still talking to Peter as I stood from my seat. I tossed my coffee cup in the trash before heading to the door. I paused when I heard my name.

"See you tomorrow, Miss.Bailey." I turned to see Rosie smiling and Dr.Octavius waving.

"See you tomorrow." I smiled slightly as Peter sent me a small wave.

I headed out the door. The guard nodded as I walked past him. I pulled my keys from my pocket and pulled my helmet on. Once I was home, I sleepily took a shower before heading to bed. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. I'm bored at school, so here's a early chapter. See y'all Sunday. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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