Chapter 6

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I spent the night raking my mind for anything more on what happened that night. Mr.Osborn died that night and I was nearly killed. How did it all happen? Goblin's true identity was never revealed, why? You think Spiderman would have spoken up. Would have told people who Goblin was.

I needed to know, but I didn't have time for Wasp's problems tonight. I had to go to a gala tonight. The son of John Jonah Jameson, the head of the Daily Bugle, John Jamerson was the first man to play football on the moon. I know, so amazing. He was kind of a spoiled brat. Daddy's pride and joy. Got whatever he wanted and was treated like royalty. Everyone loved him. Especially Mary Jane. She started dating him a few months ago. I really couldn't understand the appeal of dating him. As long as she's happy, I guess.

I pulled on a pair of heels, silently cursing the dress code. I grabbed my gun and placed it in it's hidden holster. I doubt I was gonna need it. My job tonight was mainly to make sure there were no drunken altercations. Babysitting a bunch of drunk adults, fun.

I made my way into the gala hall and quickly found my position. Right on the balcony overlooking the crowd below. People began to file in. I scanned the crowd, and two familiar faces popped out. Peter and Harry were talking at the bar. I watched them as Harry seemed tense and pissed off. Peter was called away before Harry could say anything more to Peter. I watched Peter as he took pictures of many of the important people at the gala, for his employer John Jonah Jameson.

I pulled my attention to the stage as a woman walked on. She messed with the microphone for a moment before speaking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. The committee for the Science Library of New York is pleased to present our guest of honor. He's the first man to play football on the moon. The handsome, the heroic, the delicious Captain John Jameson."

The woman gestured to the stairs as John walked down the steps with Mary Jane attached to his arm. The band began to play and applause filled the room. John went straight to his first guests to say hello.

My eyes scanned the crowd for hours. The party was beginning to die down as the day turned to night. Catching Harry staggering towards Peter, I watched closely. Harry seemed drunk and more mad than before. Harry grabbed Peter's arm catching Peter's attention. I watched as Harry spoke harshly to Peter. It seemed to get heated on Harry's part and then he snapped. His hand connected to Peter's face, causing the crowd to look their way.

I glanced over to the other bodyguards. None of them seemed to make a move towards the two. This was our job, was it not. I sighed as I headed for the stairs. Reaching the bottom, I looked back up to see Harry slap Peter again. I made it to their sides and kept my voice low as I looked at Harry.

"Mr.Osborn I'm gonna have to ask you to leave."

Harry locked eyes with me. Anger fumed from his body. He sent one last hate filled glance at Peter before turning around and leaving. Silence filled the room for a few seconds, only to be broken by John coming up to the microphone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I just want you all to know that the beautiful Miss Mary Jane Watson has just agreed to marry me."

Applause filled the room as John gestured for Mary Jane to join him on the stage. I smiled and clapped with the crowd. Peter raised his camera to take a picture for the newspaper. Once the applause calmed down, I went to head back to my post. I paused, seeing a distant look in Peter's eyes. Whatever Harry said to him must've gotten under his skin and then on top of that the girl he's been in love with since kindergarten is getting married. I placed a hand on his forearm and gave him an apologetic smile, before heading back to my position.

Hours passed as I watched the crowd for more drunken altercations. This was gonna be a long night. It was ten o'clock and yet the crowd still carried on strong. I resorted to leaning against the wall as my eyes drifted and my mind wandered.

My memories were starting to come back. Goblin was Mr.Osborn and he pulled me from the water that night. Something more happened, but what? What happened that night that ended in Mr.Osborn's death?

Spiderman had to know. I could ask him, couldn't I? Did I really want to know? What if I killed Mr.Osborn and my brain was trying to hide that from me? What if Spiderman killed him? What if something incredibly worse happened?

I sighed as I did another scan of the crowd. I had created a life that didn't include the Wasp. I didn't need her back. She wasn't needed. Spiderman could do it by himself. Right now I needed to focus on being Nova, not what happened as the Wasp.

"You look like you have a lot on your mind." I looked up and my eyes quickly met Peter's.

"You do too."

Peter nodded slightly, before speaking again.

"Wanna talk about it?"

I hesitated. I couldn't tell him, but I wanted to tell someone. I wanted to get this off my chest. Maybe, his opinion could help. I chose my words carefully as I spoke.

"An employer of mine learned something that could cause a ton of problems. They can't decide if they should do something about it or not. If they do something about it, it would mean they'd have to go back to their old job. If they do nothing they feel like they're failing their current job."

Peter looked down like he was thinking for a few moments.

"Sounds like your employer already knows what they want to do."

I hummed as I thought over my choices. If I went back to being the Wasp, I'd face a ton of backlash. I disappeared for two years. Everyone thought the Wasp was dead. They wouldn't exactly greet me with open arms. Then there's Spiderman. Would he be willing to work with the Wasp again? I basically just up and left him without saying anything. Would I be willing to be the Wasp without him by my side?

"A friend of mine is going through a similar problem. Can't decide if what they're doing is important or not. Or if it's even really necessary."

I nodded slightly as Peter's words broke my thoughts. A comfortable silence fell between the two of us. Peter spent the rest of his time at the gala by my side. Probably to hide from Mary Jane and Harry, who had returned after a few hours. Once the crowd began to die down, Peter headed off with a smile.

A few more hours passed, before the last of the guests left. With that, I was released from my duty for the night. Reaching my apartment I threw my bag on the couch and sighed as I read the time on the clock, 1:49 a.m. Thank god I had nothing to do tomorrow, or at this point I guess it was considered today. I headed to sleep as my eyes became extremely heavy.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here.  I've had a pretty chill day at school so I wrote another chapter. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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