Chapter 5

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I spent a few days catching up on apartment chores and deep cleaning. I still hadn't gotten a call about my next job. Having nothing to do was starting to get annoying. I read newspapers in my free time.

Dr.Octavius had gone off the deep end. During his surgery he had woken up and killed all the nurses and surgeons. He escaped after that, with his new partners still attached to him. No one knew where he was now. The media played his story like a piano. 'Scientist Otto Octavius gone mad.' His new found fame earned him a nickname from the media, Doc Ock. As in octopus, I understand why. Dr.Octavius had given himself four extra arms. Giving the man eight appendages. I still found his nickname stupid. Dr.Octavius was a new threat to New York. Spiderman would take care of him, afterall Spiderman's the hero the city needs.

I stopped and watched Mary Jane's performance last night. She was pretty good. I've never been one for plays though, so I kind of zoned out in the middle of it.

Today I had to place a deposit in my bank account. I pulled on my jacket and grabbed my bike keys. I stopped at a cafe to grab a coffee. I smiled at the barista as she handed me my coffee. Getting back on my bike I headed for the bank.

I walked in and headed for the bank teller at the counter. He smiled and greeted me. I did the same as I pulled the deposit slip and money from my wallet. He happily took it and told me to wait a few moments. I glanced around the room in boredom.

My eyes quickly landed on two familiar faces. Peter and Aunt May. Aunt May smiled slightly and waved before returning to the man in front of her. Peter's eyes lingered for a few moments. I gave him a small smile but turned away as the bank teller came back.

As I was talking to the bank teller, something in my gut started to feel off. I glanced around the room quickly. My eyes paused on a man standing in front of the vault door. I watched as four robotic tentacles extended from under his trenchcoat. Dr.Octavius.

His tentacles latched onto the vault door and pulled it from its hinges, sending it flying across the room towards Aunt May and Peter. Both of them had escaped any harm as the whole bank erupted into chaos. People ran for cover behind desks. Dr.Octavius began to grab bags of coins and shoved them into his duffle bag. I turned back to look for Aunt May and Peter. I quickly found Aunt May but lost track of Peter. Where the hell did he go? I pulled from my thoughts as a man spoke.

"Hold it. Put your arms up."

I turned back to where Dr.Octavius was and saw three security guards had surrounded him. Their guns were trained at Dr.Octavius as he kept his back to them, seemingly unfazed by their presence. Dr.Octavius's tentacles moved and easily sent the security guards flying off into a wall. The tentacles returned to stuffing money into his duffle bag.

I helped guide people outside as Dr.Octavius was preoccupied. I caught a blur of red and blue in the corner of my eye. Spiderman. I glanced over and saw Dr.Octavius begin to throw bags of coins at Spiderman. I turned back to guiding people out the door. This was gonna get dirty and Spiderman didn't need to worry about pedestrians.

I looked over to Spiderman and Dr.Octavius. Dr.Octavius had Spiderman locked in his grip. His tentacles wrapped around his head. Shit. Spiderman needed help. I glanced around quickly, for anything to help him. Nothing. Damn it.

I only had one choice. My stingers. I hadn't used them in a while. My aim was probably awful. I couldn't mess this up and hit Spiderman. Dr.Octavius would take advantage of it and kill Spiderman on the spot. I glanced around making sure no one was watching me.

I raised my arm and leveled it with Dr.Octavius's shoulder. I only needed to graze him and the sleeping agent would knock him out in a second. I took a deep breath before finally releasing a stinger.

It passed his shoulder and bounced off one of his tentacles. Dr.Octavius glanced over towards his tentacle and in that second of distraction Spiderman sent webs connecting to two desks. He flicked his wrists causing the desks to come flying towards the two of them.

Dr.Octavius quickly let go of Spiderman, who moved out of the way as Dr.Octavius turned to one of the desks. The tentacles destroyed it before it hit him. He turned to do the same to the other desk but failed. The desk hit him, sending him flying through a window and outside.

By now the police had been called and were surrounding Dr.Octavius as he regained his balance. A crowd began to form to watch Dr.Octavius. He glanced around the crowd and his eyes landed on someone. A tentacle snaked into the crowd and grabbed a woman by her waist. I felt my breath hitch as I noticed who it was. Aunt May.

He held Aunt May in front of him, using her as a human body shield, preventing the police from shooting at him. Dr.Octavius used his other three tentacles to climb up the side of a building. He only made it a few stories up before Spiderman intervened.

Neither man moved as it seemed as though they were exchanging words. The tentacle holding onto Aunt May extended to Spiderman, almost like Dr.Octavius was gonna hand her over. Spiderman's hand reached for hers but never connected, before Dr.Octavius let go of his grip on her.

Aunt May began to plummet, causing Spiderman to dive for her. He shot a web to grab onto her, as he did so Dr.Octavius wrapped a tentacle around his foot. Thinking quickly Spiderman pulled his web attached to Aunt May sending her flying up. He let go just as Dr.Octavius slammed his body into the wall.

I looked away from Spiderman, to watch Aunt May. She had managed to hook her umbrella on the ledge of the building and was slowly losing her grip. Spiderman tried to get to her only to be pulled away by Dr.Octavius.

Spiderman loosened Dr.Octavius's grip causing the two to freefall. The four tentacles wildly grabbed for anything to stop their master from plummeting to his death. Finding a solid hold on the building they steadied Dr.Octavius and flung Spiderman into the adjacent building.

Dr.Octavius climbed his way to Aunt May and grabbed a hold of her once again. He glanced off towards the hole Spiderman stood in. He screamed a few words as he held Aunt May above the street threatening to drop her.

I should cut in. Aunt May needed help, but was I really ready to come back? Did I even want to come back? I got a taste of freedom, of being able to live my own life. Was I ready to let go of that? Just to be ridiculed. The press hated Spiderman. They would hate the Wasp as well. I've been gone for so long. My aim was shit, I wasn't even sure if I could summon my wings anymore. I needed to be one-hundred percent for the people of this city. I was nowhere near that. I couldn't help. Not anymore.

I focused back in on Spiderman as he lunged for Dr.Octavius. Spiderman could do this without me. I wasn't needed. The Wasp wasn't needed, not anymore. The Wasp was dead, for good. There was no bringing back the Wasp. Even if I wanted to, I would never be the Wasp this city needed.

Aunt May's scream echoed through the street as Dr.Octavius dropped her. Spiderman went for her, giving the police the opening they needed to shoot at Dr.Octavius. Spiderman lowered Aunt May to the ground safely.

I may not be able to help as the Wasp but I could sure as hell help as Nova. I rushed over to Aunt May, while she said a few words to Spiderman. Spiderman looked over to me and turned before swinging off. I stole one last glance at Spiderman. With that glance more images flashed through my mind.

Spiderman hovered over Goblin as pleas came from the beaten man. He spoke to Spiderman as if he knew him. Goblin raised his hand to his mask and pulled it off, to reveal his face. Spiderman took a step back, while my eyes traced the man's face. Mr.Osborn.

He was dead. Mr.Osborn died and Harry hated Spiderman and the Wasp for it. Did we kill Mr.Osborn? Did Spiderman and the Wasp kill Mr.Osborn?

I snapped out of my trance quickly. I couldn't focus on that now, Aunt May was gonna need help getting back home. I reached her side as she smiled slightly. Once I made sure she was alright I helped get her a taxi and waved her on her way. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Happy Thursday. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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