Chapter 10

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Hours passed as I sat waiting for any sign of my red and blue suited friend. Three o'clock was coming and, yet, he was nowhere to be seen. All hope of him joining me in this battle was draining from my body. He was gone, wasn't he? I was going to have to do this alone. I was going to have to fill the gaping hole he left. I had no clue if I could. I knew what I was walking into, yet a small part of me hoped my partner would return. That I wouldn't have to do this alone.

He had been by my side since the start and then I left him. I was the one who ended our partnership. I could've come back, once I was healed, but I didn't. Now here I was hoping for him to come and help me, after not helping him for two years. I was selfish. I put myself before my partner. Partnerships were supposed to go both ways, yet it always went my way.

Being alone scared me. Yeah, I lived alone and supported myself without help, but this was a different type of alone. Something scarier. I was alone in a way that I hadn't been before. The same pain I put him through.

Guilt ate away at me as I looked up at the sky. It had to be close to three by now. I should get going, to confront Dr.Octavius. I wasn't sure what I would do when I got there, but I could do it alone. I just didn't want to. Having a partner to save the world with was something I took for granted. Never again. Doing this alone wouldn't be easy, but I deserved to have to work hard to regain everything I left behind. I could do this, hopefully.

I rose to my feet, I needed to get going. There was no telling what Dr.Octavius would do to Mary Jane, if someone didn't show up to stop him. I needed to stop Dr.Octavius for Spiderman. She was clearly important to him. Goblin wouldn't have used her as motivation if she wasn't. I owed him this much. I failed him, betrayed him. I left him alone. I made it so he had to do this alone. Now I was in his shoes. I had to do this alone. It was my turn to feel the pain I put him through.

I would face Dr.Octavius alone and I would do my best to win, but without my partner, I have no clue how far I could make it. This was my only choice. This was my lonely battle now. I needed to learn how to do this without him. I still didn't want to. If he showed up, this could go a whole different way.

Looking down at the streets of the city, I summoned my wings. It was time. Spiderman wasn't going to show. Getting ready to move towards the Westside tower, I paused feeling a presence. Then a voice broke the silence.

"You look different."

I turned to face the masked man. His red and blue suit, the exact same as it was years ago. He seemed different too. His body language was different from before. Almost as if his happiness had been drained.

I drew a blank as a silence filled the air again. What do you say to someone you abandoned? A sorry seems too little. What should I say? I hesitated, deciding on my choice of words to say to Spiderman, but was stopped by him.

"No apologies needed. I understand why you left. No hard feelings on my behalf."

I nodded slightly as I looked down. I had once been comfortable around him, and, yet, now it was almost overwhelmingly uncomfortable. I guess that's what happens when you disappear for two years without a trace. Breaking the silence, I glanced up at the sky.

"I still feel like I owe you one."

"Yeah and I should've seen the glider coming."

I looked towards Spiderman, my eyes meeting the eyes of his mask. It never occurred to me that he might've felt some kind of guilt towards what happened. Both of us held our own guilt and it's been growing inside of us for the past two years.

"You sure you're ready to face Doc Ock?"
Spiderman's voice seemed hesitant as he spoke. The honest answer would've been, I don't know, but if I turned back now, I'd never be happy with myself. I could do it and now I had my partner back. Even though we both weren't the same, since last time we fought together, we could still do it. This time I wouldn't be dead weight. I'd be stronger. I'd help.

"Yeah, what could go wrong?"

I smiled slightly as I looked at Spiderman. I was ready to come back, and now I had my back up. Confidence filled my body. We could handle this. We would do better than Goblin. We'd bring down Dr.Octavius and bring Mary Jane home.

We both looked towards the Westside tower as the chimes to 3 o'clock rang through the city. I turned to Spiderman who nodded as he swung off to the tower. I followed close behind him. Here goes nothing. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. In the name of Christmas. I'll be counting down the days by posting a chapter today, tomorrow and Christmas. Happy Christmas eve eve. Have a good day, see y'all tomorrow. Be good people.~~

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