Chapter 12

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My body ached as everything returned to me. Damn it. I let Dr.Octavius get the better of me. I told myself I was done being a rag doll and yet it still happened. I sat up as the world started to spin. My eyes registered that I was outside and it was dark. How long was I out? Then the presence of a hand on my shoulder and a voice came to focus.

"Take it easy, Bee. Doc Ock hit you pretty hard." My eyes focused on Spiderman by my side.

"What happened?" I groaned as I rose to my feet, Spiderman hovering close to my side making sure I didn't fall.

"After you got hit, he got me. When I woke up I escaped where I was and figured out he's trying to recreate his experiment. Then I found you where he left you and brought you here." Spiderman summarized the past events, of what was probably three hours. I nodded slightly. So, he knows where Dr.Octavius is. This was the final fight, wasn't it? We could finally bring down Dr.Octavius and return Mary Jane home.

"We need to stop him from recreating his machine." I looked at Spiderman.

"Yeah, the sooner we get there the better. Let's go."

Spiderman started on his way and I followed behind him. Soon we reached a run down building by the edge of a river. Why must there always be water? Spiderman and I silently entered the building, to see Dr.Octavius working on his machine. I quickly noticed Mary Jane tied to a pole.

Spiderman tapped my shoulder and pointed to himself then Mary Jane. I nodded understanding he was saying he'd go get her. I stayed hidden as I watched him move silently towards Mary Jane. Mary Jane noticed him and a few words were exchanged between the two.
Within seconds, Dr.Octavius noticed Spiderman. Using one of his tentacles he sent a piece of scrap metal flying at Mary Jane and Peter. Spiderman quickly moved out of the way and turned towards Dr.Octavius.

"I should have known Osborn wouldn't have the spine to finish you!" Dr.Octavius yelled looking at Spiderman.

Osborn? Was he talking about Harry? What did Harry have to do with this? Was he working with Dr.Octavius? Spiderman left something out when he was explaining to me what happened while I was out. Was this it? I stayed silent in my spot, I could still get the jump on Dr.Octavius.

"Shut it down, Ock. You're going to hurt a lot more people this time." Spiderman yelled over the sound of the machine.

"Well, that's a risk we're willing to take." A smile spread on Dr.Octavius's face as he looked towards his tentacles.

"Well, I'm not."

Spiderman lunged for the plug, supplying the power to the machine, only to be stopped by Dr.Octavius. Spiderman was sent flying through the wall of the building. He quickly returned and landed a solid kick on Dr.Octavius. The two fought back and forth for a while as the machine grew stronger and stronger, creating its own center of gravity.

I used the fighting between Dr.Octavius and Spiderman as a distraction to get to Mary Jane. My wings worked harder than usual, fighting against the pull of the machine. My feet planted on the ground next to Mary Jane, as I released a stinger into my hand and cut the rope. Feeling the same urge to move, I've gotten so many times before, I turned to Mary Jane.


The word had just left my mouth as a mental pipe collided with my side. My body went flying into a wall. I crumpled to the ground, my body aching. Looking up I saw Mary Jane had escaped, good. One less thing to worry about. I rose to my feet and looked towards Spiderman and Dr.Octavius.

Dr.Octavius had managed to get Spiderman dangling by his feet and was trying to stab him with one of his tentacles. Thinking quickly, I moved forward and grabbed the wires to the machine. Dr.Octavius went to stab Spiderman and I raised the wires into the path of the tentacle. The force of the electricity caused both Dr.Octavius and I to go flying backwards.

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