Chapter 9

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The next few days went by quickly as I worked during the day and created my new suit during the night. Today I finally finished it. I made some alterations to the original design. The mask now only covered the top half of my face, to make it easier to smell scents and the suit itself was stronger material and covered my whole body.

I would be safer in this suit. Even more importantly, I was coming back. I just needed to find a criminal and put them in their place. I was back and ready for anything. I threw on my suit under my clothes as I headed outside for a walk. Well, more like looking for someone to put into place. Being the Wasp again gave me some sort of contentment.

I paused my walking as I saw my chance to reveal the Wasp was still alive. Dr.Octavius stood outside a cafe, his tentacles wrapping around a car. Within seconds the car was thrown through the front window of the cafe. Whatever he wanted, I needed to stop him from getting it. I ducked into an alleyway, like I had done so many times before. I stripped off my daily clothes leaving me in my new suit. I pulled on my mask as my wings lifted me off the ground.

I had been practicing using my powers the past few days, making sure I would do more good than bad. So far my powers all worked fine. I was a little rusty with my aim, but I could use all my other powers almost as well as I could before.

I was a whole new person. The Wasp was a whole new person. I wasn't just going to be tossed around like a rag doll. I was going to hold my ground. I was going to do better than before. I was going to fill the shoes Spiderman left for me.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I rose higher than the buildings. My eyes landed on Dr.Octavius as he seemed focused on looking for something. I moved forward as his tentacles locked onto their target. Seeing the target, I quickly hit Dr.Octavius's tentacle away from his targeted person, Peter. What did Dr.Octavius want with Peter? Or was Peter just in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Another tentacle came my way as I dodged it. More attacks came after me. Each one I blocked and tried to counter, but soon I found myself unable to move. Dr.Octavius's tentacles had me in the air by my feet and arms.

I struggled against his hold as he switched holding me with two of his tentacles. One of them reached forward grabbing Mary Jane, who must've been here with Peter. She screamed as he used his final tentacle to grab a hold of Peter by his neck. Pushing against his hold I yelled at him.

"Let them go!"

"No can do, Wasp, but perhaps you and Parker can help me with my problem." Dr.Octavius smiled as he looked towards Peter. "Find your mutual friend, Spiderman. Tell him to meet me at the Westside Tower at 3:00, and you're welcome to join in Wasp."

"I don't know where he is." Peter struggled to speak under Dr.Octavius's tight grip.

"Find him. Or I'll peel the flesh off her bones." Dr.Octavius gestured to Mary Jane.

Reaching the end of talking Dr.Octavius threw Peter and I to the back of the cafe. Both of us hit the wall hard. Debris started to fall on us. I quickly moved over Peter using my wings to shield us from harm. Once the rain of debris stopped, I pushed the debris piled on Peter and I off of us.

I quickly flew out into the street, but Dr.Octavius had already made his escape with Mary Jane. It was too late for me to do anything, but there was still one thing I could do, find Spiderman. I had no clue where he was. I do know someone who might.

Landing my feet back on the ground, I walked towards Peter. He looked incredibly pissed off and yet there was a hint of relief in his face. He looked towards me as I reached his side. Something in his eyes reminded me of something.

Images flashed through my mind. This time they answered a question that had been bothering me for two years. I watched as I collapsed a gash on my side from Goblin's glider. I listened as I heard Spiderman's voice begging me to hold on.

The feeling of my life falling into place settled over me as I turned back to the task at hand. My eyes locked with Peter's as he seemed deep in thought, but as he looked at me I saw a small smile form on his lips. So he didn't hate the Wasp, good.

"Where's Spiderman?"

"I don't know, but I have a feeling he'll find you." Peter smiled. "It's good to have you back, Wasp."

"It's good to be back."

I flew off as police started to show. If Peter was right, Spiderman would find me. Why don't I make it easier on him? I flew to where we used to meet and sat down on the ledge. A part of me was nervous as I waited for Spiderman. I hadn't seen him in forever. What if he was mad at me for leaving him? What if he hated me now? What if he didn't come back?

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. happy sunday everyone. I passed my drivers test, which is good I guess, means I gotta get a car now. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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