Chapter 7

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A few days passed as I tried to find more work, coming up with nothing for today, I headed out to the gym for a while. Once I was done I headed on my way home. It was starting to get dark as I walked home.

The image of Spiderman caught my eye. I looked over at the newspaper stand and looked at his picture. Above it in bold words was 'Spiderman No More'. What? Spiderman was gone? I walked over to the stand and grabbed a paper. I handed the booth's worker the money for the paper.

I started down the street, my face deep in the paper. Spiderman had left his suit in a dumpster and hadn't been seen since. If he was giving up too, maybe it was best the Wasp never came back.

Think about it. Spiderman, the man who started it all and never stopped since his first sighting, quit. The Wasp was dead, at least to the knowledge of New York City. Coming back now would be pointless, right?

Without my partner, I wouldn't be able to do it alone. Spiderman was the one that could do it, not me. I was reliant on him. Every battle we fought we aided each other. I've never fought without him by my side. I wouldn't be able to. Yet he was able to hold his ground perfectly fine. Not me. Not just some cowardly bodyguard.

I couldn't do it without him. The thought of being the Wasp again, was only a dream now. I couldn't do it alone. I wasn't strong enough. If it wasn't for him, I never would've been able to save all those people.

I needed Spiderman by my side. He's been by my side since the start. The OsCorp Industries Unity Day Festival, the bank robbery, the muggers that attacked that poor couple, the burning building Goblin jumped us in, the car chase that turned into a hostage situation, the kids in the tram. If it wasn't for Spiderman those events and many more could've ended extremely differently.

Every time I was on my own as the Wasp something bad happened. The first time I ever used my powers, I caused Flash to go flying across the hall. I easily could've killed him by accident. Then there was James, who probably would've died without my help, but I had no clue what I was doing. I could've made that situation so much worse. Then I got taken by Goblin, easily.

I wasn't good on my own. I couldn't stand alone. At least not as the Wasp. I was Nova. Nothing more. The Wasp was gone now. I couldn't consider it anymore.

I paused my steps as I felt as though someone was watching me. I glanced up from the newspaper to see a man standing across the street under a street lamp. He was messing with his phone. I pushed it off as paranoia and continued walking home.

I flipped through the paper for anything else that would catch my eye. Nothing. I folded the paper and looked straight ahead. My thoughts continued to swirl, but quickly ceased when I heard the sound of rushed footsteps coming up behind me.

I quickly turned, coming face to face with the man from under the street light. He placed a hand on my mouth and pushed me into an alley. I froze as cold steel rested on my side. The man's eyes looked frantically around as he spoke quickly.

"Wallet now."

The blade pressed against my side as I tried to register what the man said. I froze. What was I supposed to do? As the Wasp I could've handled this in seconds. Yet I couldn't be the Wasp anymore. The Wasp was gone. I needed to figure out life as just Nova. I've been doing it for a while now. Why was I finding it so hard to continue? I quickly pulled from my thoughts as the man spoke.

"Are you deaf? I said, wallet now."

I glanced over the man's face. My eyes quickly caught a scar along his face, then I paused on his eyes. They fluttered around frantically for any signs of anyone nearby. The man's body was shaking. He didn't want to do this. I could see it in his face. He hit a rough patch and this was the only out he saw.

His body stiffened as he locked eyes with me. All emotion drained from his face. The knife slowly lost its pressure on my side. The man seemed like he was giving up. Then his body language changed quickly back to before. Shit.

I moved quickly before he could press the blade back to my side. I grabbed his wrist and twisted the knife from his grasp and quickly released a stinger into my palm. I cut his back without him seeing. His eyes went wide before his body gave out beneath him.

I glanced down at his body. He'd only be asleep for a few hours. I should go before someone sees me with him. I rushed my steps as I headed home. Spiderman's absence is gonna cause people to get cocky. His absence is gonna bring this city back to where it was before him. I couldn't fix that, could I?

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Happy Sunday everyone. Have a good day be good people.~~

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