Chapter 8

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The past day or two have been torture. My brain never letting go of the idea of coming back as the Wasp. I couldn't do it, but yet I found myself daydreaming about the day I could go back. The day when I would be able to join Spiderman again. I knew that's what it was, just a dream. In a few days it'll be gone and I'll have a new dream, right?

I sighed as I folded the new newspaper in my hands. Crime has gone up 75% percent since Spiderman disappeared. All criminals seemingly finding a new freedom in his absence. If I came back it would decrease. I couldn't. No, it wasn't an option. I made myself a life, after giving up on the Wasp. I couldn't go back. It would destroy everything I've made for myself.

I leaned my head back taking in the crisp night air of the park. Something in the air caused my nose to wrinkle. I knew that smell all too well. The same smell that started the Wasp. I rose to my feet as I saw the culprit, a few blocks down.

Fire engulfed an apartment complex. I watched as people scrambled around the base of the building. I found myself moving towards the building out of curiosity. When I was close enough I turned to a man who had probably lived in the building.

"Is anybody in that building?" I asked, hoping that there wasn't anyone trapped.

"We think there's a kid stuck on the second floor." The man spoke.

At that moment I found myself making a decision. There was a kid stuck and fire and rescue wouldn't be here any time soon. The kid would surely die if someone didn't help. No one else would have the guts to step in. I needed to help. I moved quickly and ran into the building, as the man called after me.

The second I entered, heat engulfed my body. Jesus, I forgot how hot burning buildings were. I glanced around as the familiar feeling of adrenaline coursed through my veins. I quickly spotted the stairs leading to the second floor and headed their way. I started up the stairs as debris fell behind me.

I pushed forward. The child needed help and I needed to help them. I reached the top of the stairs and paused hearing a faint noise. I tried my best to pick out the noise. What was it? Then, my ears managed to identify the noise. Crying.

The fire raged on almost drowning out the cries of a child. I quickly moved towards the sound of the cries. I moved down a hallway and paused in front of a door. The cries of the child were coming from this room. A desperate cry confirmed my suspicion.

My hand quickly wrapped around the door knob. I twisted only for the knob to refuse to move. I pushed against the door in a desperate attempt to get to the child. Shit, shit, shit. I shook the knob vigorously in frustration. The fire was growing and I was running out of options.

"I'm coming." I yelled over the fire, not sure if I was reassuring myself or the child.

If I couldn't rely on my physical strength then I'd have to rely on something else. My powers. If I shoot a stinger at the door knob, it'll break it. I stepped back from the door slightly and positioned my arm. Here goes nothing.

The sound of an impact and the door knob falling to the ground caused a small victorious smile to flash across my face for a moment. I entered the fire consumed apartment, my eyes scanning for the child. The sound of cries grew stronger as I located the child's hiding spot. I opened the doors to a closet and my eyes quickly locked on a small girl hiding on the ground.

"It's okay. It's okay." I pulled the girl into my arms. "Come here. I'm gonna get you out of here."

I tucked the girl's head into my shoulder, to help keep her from inhaling anymore smoke. I quickly retraced my steps. Rushing into the hallway as the apartment collapsed behind me. I went for the steps, only to be stopped by the collapse of the floor in front of me.

I stepped back and glanced around for any other signs of an exit. Nothing. I glanced back over at the hole. That was my only route. I couldn't jump it. I only had one option. My wings. I made sure the girl's head was tucked into my shoulder before I summoned them.

The sound of clothes tearing and a small buzz cause a small sigh of relief to escape my lips. I wasn't really sure if I could do it anymore. It's been two years since I've used my powers to their fullest extent.

My feet slowly lifted from the ground as a feeling that I missed filled my body. I moved across the hole and planted my feet on the other side. I quickly put my wings away and ran for the door. Reaching semi-fresh air, I took in a lung full before heading to the girl's parents. They took their daughter from my arms, saying many thank yous. I smiled and nodded before I departed as the fire company arrived.

I could come back, couldn't I? The Wasp wasn't gone, just dormant. She was still in me, somewhere. I'm coming back. People needed help now that Spiderman was gone. Even if they hated me, I could still make a difference. I had a gift that I could use to save lives, yet all I did was keep it to myself. I was selfish. I needed to fix my wrong doings. I can fix it. I could save lives. I'm done hiding. New York was gaining their winged hero back. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Happy Thursday. I take my driving test today, life is crazy. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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