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Katsuki Bakugou

"Get out, homos!" Tsu yelled from outside my window, knocking on the glass as we unbuckled our seatbelts.

Tsu was gloating because she stole the parking spot Hitoshi was going for.

Granted, he parked in the spot right in front of her, but still.

Shoto and I jumped out and stood with the girls, waiting for the 3 other guys to get out.

From what I could see, Hitoshi and Deku were having a arm wrestling match facilitated by Iida.

Based on how evenly matched they were, quirks weren't allowed.

In the end, Deku won (of course), but Hitoshi came pretty close.

When we started walking, he pretended to be offended that we thought he would lose.

"I just cannot believe you had no faith in me! Izuku only won because I backed off," he said, with such nonchalance I almost believed him.

Say what you want about Shinsou Hitoshi, but thy boy can act. He has more acting prowess in his pinkie finger than most professionals.

He can seem innocent without saying a word, calculating with just a lift of the eyebrows.

He knows how to change how he is perceived on a dime, and it's pretty fucking cool to watch.

"Yeah, yeah," Deku scoffed, smacking the actor upside the head. "That's what you say every time."

"Right, I love this friendship and whatever, but I would like to shop now please," Ochako sang, dashing ahead and pulling Tsu and Mina behind her.

Mina whooped while Tsu sighed and shrugged with an expression that screamed 'what can you do?' before they were gone.

Shoto sighed and typed quickly into his phone before 4 different text tones sounded.

The EXTERMINATORS (7 members)

prince zuko added acid queen

prince zuko: just added mina

irl deathnote: thx shocchan

do it for the bag: welcome my queen 👑

acid queen: bow down like the plebs you are 😌

coffee bitch: yes your majesty 🙇‍♂️

sweet hibiscus tea: who died and made you queen?🧐

acid queen: shut up penelope scott.

attempted murderer: damn. she went for the throat.

prince zuko: just like you did in that alley. too bad you missed.

sweet hibiscus tea: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

better than kermit: yikes, man down.

irl deathnote: call an ambulance, call an ambulance!

attempted murderer: 🖕

prince zuko: whtvr, let me know when you want to cash in your 3 free items.

better than kermit: yessir

prince zuko: stop pouting cha cha. You get whatever you want. you know that.

do it for the bag: i don't deserve you 🥺🥺

prince zuko: what wifey wants wifey gets 😌

irl deathnote: *that moment you realize that you're the side hoe*

prince zuko: 😗💅

sweet hibiscus tea: shoto. come buy me this shirt.

coffee bitch: diddo

prince zuko: ✌️

do it for the bag: ✌️

irl deathnote: 👉

better than kermit: 👍

coffee bitch: stop being bi and come over here you candy cane reject

sweet hibiscus tea: ouch.

attempted murderer: felt that one.

coffee bitch: good.


"That will be 300 dollars please," The cashier said pleasantly, blinking up at Shoto.

He noticed, but instead of smiling, he frowned and automatically placed his hand over his burnt eye.

He thought she was staring at his scar when she was really appreciating how good looking he is.

"No, no it's not like that," she gasped, flailing her arms a bit as she floundered for words. "I just think you're really handsome and I'm sorry if I made you self-conscious."

I slowly pulled his arm away from his eye with a small grin.

"Sho, you're hot," I said, ignoring as Shoto, Iida, and Hitoshi's collective jaws hit the floor. "Most people stare at you because you're attractive, not because of your scar." I handed Sho's card over to Iida so that he could pay for the clothes as I pulled Sho away from the group.

"And I don't know how many times I have to tell you, but neither you or your scar is ugly. You only think that you're ugly because your scar is tied to horrible memories, bad experiences from such a young age that you can't remember when it wasn't there. You told me once that sometimes when you look in the mirror you can still see the water. That sometimes you see your face as it was when you first got the scar, that you avoid mirrors so that you can pretend that your face is handsome. Sho, you are handsome and I'll tell you that every day if I have to until you can look in a mirror and see what everybody else sees."

It took me a moment before it hit me what I had just said. I flushed an unfortunate shade of crimson before backtracking.

"W-wait, I didn't- I mean I- well-" I stammered before the look on Shoto's face sufficiently shut me up.

He was smiling. Not a half smile, not a lip twitch, a real smile.

And it was beautiful.

"Thank you Kat," he whispered. Staying true to my word, I folded my arms before speaking again.

"Shoto Todoroki, you are handsome."

|AN: Hey gang, it's Ashlan! This story has really blown up lately, so I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who's voting and commenting on my story! Both are appreciated! Heads up: next chapter is the last mall chapter before I drag you back to angst kicking and screaming. 😇 Love ya, AQ.|

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