For a Friend.

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Hitoshi Shinsou-Aizawa

Shit. Shit. Shit.

That's all I could think as Mic stared at me, clearly waiting for me to make a decision. But my brain was completely empty.

I didn't want to see him, but I was happy to see that bit of yellow hair.
I was frozen, clutching at my chair to keep myself rooted to the spot.

I wanted to run at him, but when I got there, I don't know if I would kiss him or knock his fucking teeth out.
And I really didn't want to find out.

I didn't notice Dad move across the room until he was at the door and speaking in a harsh whisper.

"Kaminari," He said icily, his arms crossed over his chest. "To what do I owe the pleasure? Because I sincerely hope that you're not here for my son."

"I am," he blurted, his voice jumping around. "Here for your son actually. I-I need to speak to him."
Without any further instruction, my body moved on its own towards the door. Mic saw me coming and nudged Dad who, begrudgingly, pulled the door open.

Denki steps inside, and I stop short of him, waiting.

"Hey babe," he says with a small grin, his arms opening for a hug and is he fucking serious right now?

I didn't think. One second I'm staring at him, the next my parents are pulling me off of Denki as I punch and kick at the air and as he cradles the shiner starting to discolor his left eye. He's there on the ground, propped up on one arm, looking up at me as if I just did something crazy.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I scream as Dad has me hooked around the arms and Mic is hustling Eri out of the living room. "Who the fuck are you to 'hi babe' me?"

"You avoid me for weeks, you leave me on read, but you can show up at my door fucking smiling as if you did nothing wrong? As if I wasn't crying in my dad's arms over your dumb ass? Then when I knock the shit out of you, you have the audacity to look confused?"

"Either scrounge up some tact or get the fuck out of here." I snarled, snapping at him like a rabid dog.

"Hitoshi, I'm sorry. I wasn't sure how to go about this, so I was freaking out about this all morning. Then I was in front of your door and then you were there. I-I panicked and defaulted to what I know. Sorry." He explained, staring at his shoes.

That left me gobsmacked and feeling as if I overreacted.

Dad let me go and ushered Denki in, closing the door behind him and gesturing to the dinner table where he sat not even a week ago for dinner. Where my peer review papers and laptop were scattered.

"Hitoshi," He said quietly, his onyx eyes searching mine. "If I leave you two alone, will I have to cover up a murder, or will you keep your hands to yourself?"

I rolled my eyes as my face burned, embarrassed that dad thought I couldn't keep my shit together.
"Yeah. Whatever." I whispered, my throat burning with shame and guilt as he sighed and pulled me into a hug.

"I'm not mad, or disappointed Hitoshi, okay? I just wanted to make sure you felt ok alone. Sorry." His voice was muffled as he kissed the top of my head. I nodded into his chest and he disappeared into Eri's room.

I cleared my throat and sat down, my body still feeling several degrees too hot. Seeing Denki's bruising eye made my stomach roil and grab an ice pack from the freezer and slide it across the table to him.

"Sorry." I muttered, shame cracking my voice as i refused to face him. Not while twenty different emotions left my vision blurry with tears.

"It's okay. I was an ass."

"Why are you here?"

"I need help. Apologizing." I turned then, scanning his face for any duplicity or malice but only saw regret and anguish.

"Okay, I'll help you," I start, but the ice in my voice hadn't completely thawed. "But don't you have something to say to me first?"

"Hitoshi Shinsou-Aizawa, I am so terribly sorry. When you initially told me to apologize, I was so offended that I said something really shitty, and J only really processed how shitty it was when I saw your face. Then, I was too embarrassed to show my face, and reading your texts just made me feel even worse. I'm sorry, and I want to apologize to everyone before it's too late."

I sat down then with a sigh, grabbing a notebook and sweeping my hair into a ponytail. I wasn't entirely sure if I was ready to forgive him, but I knew Katsuki deserved this apology way more than I deserved space. So right then I had to suck it up for a friend. Clicking my pen, I look up at him.

"So. How do you want to do this?"

|AN: if i apologize now, will you not be mad? sorry it's been forever. i'm terrible at keeping my shit together, but just know that i will still upload. it definitely won't be as often as i used to, but i hope to not go radio silent for too long. love you all, -AQ|

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