Mental Health Warning Label

412 17 0

Shoto Todoroki

"Hey." A voice  I recognized.

"Hey, you two." The voice sounded almost a million miles away.



All of a sudden I was being shaken violently awake. My eyelids fluttered and a wave of pain crashed over me. My face screwed up in pain. "Uggggggh," I moaned, slowly sat up, holding my head in my left hand, and decreased the temperature. "Fuck, I feel like an elephant stomped on my head."

"Good morning to you too IcyHot," Bakugou scoffed.

"Morning Shocchan," Izuku said with a sleepy voice.

"Well, we technically are supposed to go to the classroom today, but if you don't feel good, no need to push yourself." He said quietly. I tilted my head a bit in confusion. Weird.

"Bakugou, you look like shit. Didn't you sleep?" I joked, knowing full well that Bakugou sleeps early.

"Actually, I didn't. Not even a wink." He sighed. The dark circles around his eyes were a telltale sign. "I couldn't sleep." 

I looked between the two of them and soaked in their somber expressions. I could tell whatever kept Bakugou up all night is the reason my head is pounding.

"What the fuck happened last night?" I asked quietly, staring deep into his tired crimson eyes trying to read him. They stayed silent. I sighed and grabbed my phone from the bedside table. 

Mr. Aizawa put his number into my phone after I had a panic attack, so I called him. 

"Mr. Aizawa? Hi. No, I'm fine, but the three of us will be doing class from the dorm today. Why? Oh, Bakugou and Midoriya still have yet to tell me. Ok. Thanks. Yeah, we'll be there tomorrow. Ok. I... will? Bye." Then I hung up. I turned back to them, trying not to get angry as I grappled with this intense headache.

"Why would Mr. Aizawa tell me to make note of anything strange that happened early this morning?" I cried, flickers of anger running through my skin. "Now, I'm only going to ask one more time, What the fuck happened last night?"

Izuku Midoriya

He stared at us with an expression mixed with pain and anger. He wasn't going to give an inch. 

"Well? Why does my head feel like it's splitting open?" He asked. His voice was quiet, but it sent a shiver through my spine nonetheless. It was so menacing that even Kacchan was unnerved.

"IcyHot, you had a seizure," Kacchan said seriously, his crimson eyes meeting Sho's blue and gray. "We woke up when the bed started shaking violently. I turned and saw you convulsing between Deku and me. I forced the nerd to go get help, and Mina helped me. She was the voice of reason as I unraveled." His voice cracked, and he took a breath to collect himself again. "It lasted exactly 2 minutes and 37 seconds," Bakugou finished.

A few seconds passed without a word, so I filled the silence.

"Uhm. Any questions Shocchan?" I said quietly, moving to place my hand on his. He reacted immediately, laying his head on my shoulder.

"What time?" He asked. I could feel his heartbeat quicken.

"3:36 AM to 3:38," Bakugou answered instantaneously as if the time was ingrained into his head. Shoto nodded.

"Hey, I don't know if this means anything, but I think I was dreaming right before...." His voice wandered off as if he was avoiding saying 'seizure'. 

"Well, anyway, I dreamed of the day my dad first started 'training' me. I saw the scene as a spectator. What really scares me is that I felt this overwhelming rush of fear. A fear so extreme that I thought I might die." He said quietly, unable to look at us. Then without warning, he started to chuckle. Then, he laughed in earnest.

"What, IcyHot?" Bakugou said, his head snapping up to look at him. "What's so funny?"

"Shocchan?" I said carefully.

"It's crazy. Before Friday, all I really had was trauma and horrible social skills. Now I have panic attacks, seizures, anxiety, PTSD, and a TBI. Actually, that seizure probably wasn't an isolated event, it's probably head trauma-induced epilepsy just like my brother. I'm a walking mental health warning label." He laughed, falling backward, and laughing so hard it seemed like he would puke. Then he just stopped. Stopped moving, stopped laughing. "I'm broken," he croaked, voice raw from laughing so hard for so long. He sat there looking defeated until Kacchan slapped the back of his hand.

"No you're not," Kacchan said, pulling his hand back. Shoto looked at him with this sad, tender expression.

"Really, Bakugou? If I'm not broken, why didn't you hit me in the head?" He said quietly with that same sad smile. Kacchan recoiled because Sho was right.

Usually, we do something or say something stupid, he would slap us in the back of the head. Never super hard, but not exactly something you would do to someone who recently had a seizure.

It's probably true that nothing would've happened if he hit Sho in the head, but Kacchan would never forgive himself if he causes Sho any serious harm.

"So tell me again that I'm not broken. If I weren't, you wouldn't be afraid to hit me." He said coldly. 

I could feel him building up those walls again that took me so long to break. As he started to slide off the bed, I reached out to him, but he slapped my arm away with such force that I could swear he almost dislocated my shoulder. 

My finger twitching violently, I scurried after him anyway. Just as I was about to grab his arm, it erupted in razor-sharp icicles. I gasped and leaped back, cradling the arm that was almost impaled. "Don't touch me," he growled.

That was the last thing he said before he slammed the door on my face.

|AN: Hey, hey, hey! If you were wondering, Shoto has severe TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) due to Endeavor's abuse over the years, and the most recent blow to the head he developed epilepsy. All of this is 100% possible and I will have Recovery Girl explain in detail. Thank you for reading, and sorry this was so late! -AQ|

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