Start to Finish.

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Natsuo Todoroki

"What do we do?" I hissed. Fuyumi, Dabi, and I were huddled around the kitchen table, speaking in hushed voices since Shoto was sleeping a little ways away on the couch.

They both were silent, unsure of what our next move should be. After using the kettle once, Shoto has already used it twice more today, and he's only getting more confident.

"We can't let him go back anymore, not if Enji's just going to..." Dani's voice tapered off as he stumbled off to the sink and dry heaved for a bit.

Fuyumi and I made eye contact, bouncing theories about what happened to Dabi when he ran away. It was one of the only things he refused to talk about. It reminded me of our conversation a few nights ago.

"Natsu, he wasn't even 15 out in the streets alone. Practically burnt to a crisp by his own quirk."

Fuyumi murmured, flashing me a significant look behind her frames. I nodded grimly, thinking of all the horrific things we see on the news when it comes to the streets, especially the kids. Street rats The Daily Shout called them.

"He couldn't have said no even if he wanted to." I whispered.

I cleared my throat and continued. "Letting him go back just isn't an option. Period." I said, making that much set in stone. "But how do we keep him from retaliating?"

"You mean from beating us up to make Shoto feel selfish for staying away?" Fuyumi sighed, turning her mug of tea on the countertop. "We have two options on that front."

"Hide or live at UA." Dabi groaned as he leaned back over the table. "UA isn't an option for me, so if you did that, I'd only see you on weekends. If you lived at the League, we'd be together, but if you were ever tailed, you'd go to jail."

"So neither is a good idea. What do we do then? Enji would tear the world apart to get his hands on the poor kid." I frowned, looking between my older siblings as they thought.

Just as Fuyumi was about to speak I spotted movement from Shoto's direction and silenced her.

She took the hint and chuckled softly.

"And then what did Keigo say?" she giggled, nudging Dabi slightly.

"He said that he'd beat me in Mario Kart tonight," Dabi said smoothly, the lie slipping naturally from his lips.

"I hope you told him that the only person you'll be losing to is Izuku," I chuckled, pretending not to notice Shoto getting up.

"Ugh, that goddamned broccoli brat," Dabi seethed. "Winning everything every single time."

"The spikey blonde is worse. Always taking second." I scowled.

"Hey, don't talk about my boyfriends like that," Shoto with a groggy smile. "Jealousy is a disease big brothers."

Dabi scoffed and lightly pushed Sho with a smile on his face. "Yeah, yeah, get out of here germ,"

"What, no masterpiece?" he joked, letting out a sharp laugh as Dabi went to tickle him.

"Boys, we're leaving for the store in about an hour before heading to game night," Fuyumi said, sipping the last of her tea.

"Aye aye, Captain." I smiled, saluting her as she walked away.

"Wait, Fuyumi!" Shoto called suddenly. She did a 180 and walked back to the counter.


"Mr Aizawa wants a guardian to come to school with me on Sunday." He said, rereading from some sort of text message. "He texted me again so I wouldn't forget."

"Shoto, did you get into trouble at school?" Fuyumi asked with a sharp edge, her eyebrows pinching like the teacher she is.

"No." he said simply, pouring himself a cup of tea. "I think it's about Enji. He knows what happened."


"Buttdialed Uraraka." He said. He opened his mouth to say more but held his tongue.


"And they heard everything. Start to finish." He said, before averting his eyes. "They even heard me scream," he whispered into his tea so low I hardly caught it.

I whipped my head around to find Dabi and Fuyumi just as distressed.

I haven't heard Shoto scream since he was really young, back when he wasn't constantly masking his emotions. Back when he would cry in my arms after a particularly bad training session. Back when we had to track the kid down just to treat his wounds.

"You... what?" I asked my voice shaky and uneven. His head snapped up from his drink as he looked at me, taking in my watery eyes and scrunched eyebrows.

"I... yeah." He murmured, lowering his gaze and chiding himself for saying anything.

I had a million questions, but I swallowed them and just nodded, swiping at my eyes before tears could fall.

"One hour," Fuyumi whispered softly, resting her hand on my arm for a moment before walking away.

I took the hint and followed her, motioning for Dabi on the way out.


"Shiggy's gonna kill me, you assholes!" Dabi yelled, pushing Toga away from the rest of the Tiramisu.

"It was only one bite, Dabi." Neito sighed as he pulled his sister away from the guy more purple than William Afton.

"An entire bite," he cried, placing the cake back on the table. "You're gonna need to find something for him disintegrate because my door will not fall victim again."

"I bought some glassware sets just for that purpose," Izuku sighed, placing down two huge boxes on the floor as if they weighed nothing. Katsuki strolled into the room behind him, tuning out his brother who was hovering a foot of the ground and blathering on about KFC's new recipe.

"Hey Kei," I called, raising a hand in greeting. He flew over and slapped my hand.

"What's up Natsu?" he laughed, letting himself float back to the ground. "How's little Sho?"

"You know he dies a little inside when you call him that," I snickered, forcing myself to swallow part of my laughter. I cleared my throat and continued. "He's...recovering. Still relatively whole, but the cracks and gaps are getting hard to ignore."

He nodded solemnly as he looked on at his brother.

"Katsuki wouldn't tell me what happened. He played the voice memo instead." Keigo whispered, now gripping my shoulder. "I kind of wish I had never heard it."

"Did he-" I stopped, trying to keep my emotions in check. "Did he really-"

"Scream?" he finished, his golden eyes meeting my gray. I nodded and he winced. He turned his head away from me before talking. "Yeah. He did."

We stood in silence for a moment before we heard a yelp.

"Neito! Come pick up your sister's knives!" Shigaraki cried after nearly stepping on one. "And who the actual fuck ate my cake?"

"Nah Himi, you're on your own for this one," Neito said, slowly backing away from Shigaraki's rage.

"Some brother you are," she pouted, before turning back to the beast in front of her.

"Any last words Himiko Toga?" he asked, stepping closer with a scarily innocent grin.

"It was only a bite?" she said, squeezing her eyes shut and hoping for mercy.

"Wrong answer."

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