Everybody Knows.

36 1 0

Shoto Todoroki

⚠️Trigger Warning: Violence, Rape, Disassociation⚠️

I think I knew it was over for me before it begun.

I remember Atsushi and Yuzuru standing  with me in the dressing room as I chugged the water Atsushi ran to grab for me. They were talking about nothing, small tidbits about their lives in a clear attempt to steady this atmosphere of dread. And to their credit it was working, but I heard those all too familiar footfalls seconds before the door flew open with a crash.

"No," I cry, the word tumbling from my mouth before I think better of it. "No! No!" I start to shout as Endeavor descends on me. I throw whatever is close enough for me to reach at him, starting with the empty water bottle crushed in my fist. Then hair clips. Then a notebook. Then balled up paper.

"I told you to BEHAVE," he snarls, twisting his fist into the collar of my shirt, yanking my face close enough to feel his flaming facial hair lick my skin. In that moment my voice fails as I stare into the eyes of pure hatred, promising nothing but pain. "Let's go," he sneers and let's and let's fall to the ground while keeping a firm grip on my collar. A choked whimper escapes my throat as he begins to drag me towards the door.

"No. no. no. NO! NO!" I begin to scream against the restraint of fabric at my throat. My screams rip at my throat and leave claw marks in its wake. I think I can hear Atsushi crying, but then the sound dies as if someone clamped a firm hand over her mouth. And even though I can't see her, I'm thankful Yuzuru was there to keep Atsushi from doing something stupid. I smiled despite my impending death sentence and screeched, screwing my eyes shut as Endeavor grabbed me firmly by the neck and gave me a harsh jolt. I felt more then heard the pop of my neck that killed the sound pouring out of my throat.

And so he dragged me, and I screamed and screamed, but no sound ever escaped my throat. Only the soft thick sound of strained attempts at speech. I watched dumbly as my feet were dragged over carpeted floor, the soft noise patent leather made against the fuzz the only contact I was making with the ground. Soon that carpet became linoleum and then concrete as I was tossed into some sort of  empty parking lot.

Once I could feel the concrete chewing at my skin, I knew what was coming next. It didn't make me anymore ready for it, and It sure didn't hurt any less. 

"You waste of space! What the he'll were you thinking on that stage?" he screams as his meaty fist explodes the right side of my face in a firework of pain with a heavy thwack. I grunt, I think as my vision goes loopy with the weight of the next punch. I hear bells and see stars when that fist connects with the center of my face. He pulls me upright and shakes me hard enough to rearrange my organs and he's shouting again. He's definitely shouting because I can feel the burning heat of his breath and I can see the absolute burning hatred in his eyes.

What does he see when he looks at me with those eyes?

I can't hear him over the ringing in my head and the gong rattling my brain but I can guess. He always says the same thing, just using different words.

When he slams my spine into the wall and the air escapes my lungs in a bloody punch of air, I consider my options. Why not fight back? Stomp at his ankle, maybe freeze his legs and escape.  I could fight back. 

I could fight back and let this nightmare become torturous. And I'm so tired of fighting for my breath. So fucking tired of fighting for claim over my own damn body that I'm resigned to give up. 

I feel his grip stretch across my face and before my sluggish thoughts can catch up the back of my head is exploding into white hot pain, my head flying forward from the recoil of connecting with the wall. I'm tasting planets and seeing the cosmos when I belatedly piece together that I might actually die here

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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