Daily Check-in.

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Shoto Todoroki

It's been a few days since Shinsou told us what happened, and he hasn't been back in school since. Izuku asked Aizawa about it, and he said that was at home taking time away.

"He fought me, of course. He said that if he stayed home, he would just lie in bed and do nothing. I'm just giving him space to feel his feelings." Aizawa sighed as he gathered his papers and stepped out of the classroom.

Honestly, I was glad. Nothing good ever comes of Shinsou bottling up his emotions and powering through just because he thinks he has to.

With HeroCon this weekend, my siblings have been flitting around me like anxious mosquitoes because I've been going to Enji's to get some of my belongings.

Whenever HeroCon is around the corner, Enji makes me "swing by" the house for training and return to UA well before curfew. With Izuku and Katsuki both having training during that time, they never see me go.

The only upside is that it's actual training and not just a beatdown.

"Shoto, you have to open your chest more when using your fire. Do it again."

"Shoto, work on your precision. I want you to burn a hole through the bullseye and nothing else."

Needless to say, I hate HeroCon, but I have to pretend I don't. Because everyone else loves it.

HeroCon is literally a huge convention with the top 150 pro heroes, UA's Big Three, Popular Hero News Network reporters, the children or partners of the top 5 pro heroes, Hero Society propaganda, and so much merch.

As a son of the current number 1 and former number 2 hero, I've been going to HeroCon since I was born, never missing one.
Not even when we thought Touya died.

I was 5, and I cried the entire time we were there. I was inconsolable, and the media had a field day with it the next morning, calling me 'a spoiled prince who couldn't bear to not be the subject of undivided attention'. I learned to turn off my emotions real quick after Enji dragged me kicking and screaming to the training room and left me in a bludgeoned, bloody heap.

So, I've been on the 'Hero Family' panel since I was 10. The Hero Family panel is just what it sounds like: the children of the top 10 pros sit around and answer questions, pretending our lives are perfect and that being the scion of the most powerful people in Japan isn't at all stressful, hard, or straight up miserable.

I mean, from what I've heard, none of the other kids are getting the shit beat out of them, just being left at home to find out through HNN if their parents made it through their patrol shift. We're just all tired of being the kids of celebrities.

But who am I to complain? I am the perfect son of one of the richest families in Japan. No one really cares enough to raise questions about mysterious bruises and the huge 'training accident' splashed across my face.

I arrived back at UA, carrying a box of mom's old photos and Natsu's old scrapbook when I found Aizawa leaning against my door, waiting for me to return. Again.

He's been doing this since I started going back, making sure that I'm ok, and that nothing happened. I'm not sure what he gets out of this, because I would never tell him if it happened again. I mean, he still thinks it only happened once. My siblings think it happened twice.

I'm not exactly eager to correct them.

"Hello Mr. Aizawa," I murmur, bowing slightly in direction as I fish out my keycard to get into my room.

"Evening Shoto," he says quietly, stepping aside with his arms crossed as he gives me a quick once-over, no doubt looking for any cause for alarm. "Are you going to lie to me today, or are we done with that?"

I sigh, turning my head so that he can't see me roll my eyes. "I only lied to you once, and I'm sorry that I did."

"Sorry you got caught," he mumbles as I finally scan my card and shove my door open. "May I come in?"

"Yes, of course. We've been doing this for weeks now, why bother asking anymore?"

"Because this is your room, your space. Therefore you don't have to let me, or anyone in for that matter. The only reason I would enter your room without asking is if your life is in immediate danger." He says quietly as my door shuts behind him.

I startle a bit, having not expected that answer. My mouth quirked up as warmth flooded into my chest, knowing that Aizawa truly cared.

Remembering why he's here, I sigh a tortured, melodramatic sigh, dragging my palms down my face before I turn to face him.

"Nothing to show today," I announce, holding eye contact for a bit before pulling out a blue hoodie to pull over my shirt. "Nothing serious, anyway."

"And what," Aizawa deadpan as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "Pray tell, is 'nothing serious' to Shoto Todoroki?"

"Several bruises and a few scrapes? We were outside today." I shrug as I nibble on the string of my hoodie. "Maybe a 3 in terms of pain?"

He groans, muttering something I can't hear before meeting my eyes again.

"Can you treat all of your bruises, or would you prefer a kiss from Recov?"

He always asks me questions like this because he knows I won't want to ask for it. Like the time he treated a bruise on my back that I couldn't reach, a bruise I lied to him about. I told him during on of our check-ins that it was small and didn't really hurt, but it was truly horrific. It hurt to the point where I couldn't sleep and it felt like moving would kill me.
Of course, Aizawa noticed and pulled me aside and asked if I would let him heal the bruise with a med-kit. Based on his sharp inhale when he saw the bruise, it must have looked horrifying. He didn't say anything about it though. Just asked me to please not lie to him again.

"I'll just use the kit, Recov makes me tired."

He nods before handing me a bag of chips this time. He always comes with some sort of snack to give me.

"Good night then Shoto," he whispers, the door shutting quietly behind him.

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