Thinking of You

518 25 5

Shoto Todoroki

"Boyfriends." He whispered. I smiled, and grabbed the sides of his face and pulled him into another kiss. Izuku bit my lip, forcing my lips apart. He grabbed my shirt and deepened the kiss. Separating for air, I took the opportunity to move down to his neck, kissing down his neck and lightly licking his collarbone. His face flushed and he let out a small moan. I silenced him by kissing him, forcing him to moan into my mouth. Damn, he's so hot.

He pulled away, and grabbed my hand.

"Hey Shoto, it's getting late," Izuku stammered, clearly upset for having to ruin the moment. But, he was right. It was very late and I did need to go to back to my room. 

"Yeah, you're right," I sighed, walking across the room to retrieve the books I dropped earlier. I scooped them up, and Midoriya had already opened the door for me. He stood on his tip-toes and kissed me on the cheek. I could feel the heat of my right side pick up. My cheek now had small flames dancing across it. Izuku's eyes widened and then he poked my right cheek and said

"Wow, a kiss can make you burst into flames," clearly making fun of the flames dusting my cheek. I felt my face flush a deeper shade of pink, before I turned to go.

"Good night, Midoriya. See you tomorrow," I said quietly while waving.

"Bye, Shocchan," He whispered before blushing and quickly closing his door. Shocchan? Why is my heart beating so fast? As I quickly snuck to the stairs I heard a voice. 

"Alright, I love you Eiji." Wait, was that... Bakugou? And he was talking to Kirishima? 

"I love you too," said a voice that was unmistakably Kirishima's. They have nicknames for each other? 

The door to Bakugou's  dorm squeaked open and out came Kirishima wearing a pair of red gym shorts and and a black shirt that was ripped along the collar. He had a slight burn on his neck along with several small bruises that looked fresh. His lips were slightly swollen, and his hair was down and mussed. He looked back into the room and spoke.

"Bye, Kat," He whispered. Did he just say Kat?  As in KATsuki Bakugou? A nickname?

"Bye Babe," came Bakugou's voice from inside the room. Babe? Despite my best effort to stay quiet, I could feel the laugh bubble up in my throat. Fearing Bakugou might actually murder me, I sped to the staircase and ran up to my room. I closed the door to my room and slid down against it. The laughter in my chest exploded and I collapsed into a fit of giggles.

Bakugou and Kirishima, huh? I HAVE to tell the Dekusquad.


(4 members)


Midoriya: ?

Tsu: yeahh

Ochaco: oooooh

Me: Bakugou and Kirishima have nicknames for each other

Midoriya: Whaaaaa? 

Ochaco: really? 

Tsu: What are they? 🤔 

Iida: ... In a normal situation, I would reprimand you for eavesdropping, but I'm interested, soooo

Me: Bakugou= Kat and Kirishima= Eiji/ Babe

Ochaco: 😳

Tsu: awww

Midoriya: Honestly, I wouldn't have thought Kacchan would be ok with nicknames like Kat?

Iida: me neither.

Iida: Now go to sleep. I'm disabling the chat until morning.

Midoriya: Iida noooooooo

Me: why did we give Iida host power

Ochaco: we done messed up

Tsu: yup

Iida: Shut up.

- This chat has been disabled until 6 am -

Welp, that was over quick. 

I got up, plugged in my phone and set it on the side table. I changed into a pair of grey sweatpants and leapt into bed. All of a sudden, I was picturing Midoriya in his soft yellow sweater with a yellow rose in his hair. My face split into a small grin. Figures. Of course I would think of Midoriya right before I fell asleep.

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