Silent Apologies.

122 4 1

Hitoshi Shinsou-Aizawa

Shoto came back around 6 PM. His siblings showered him in so many kisses that he might as well have been tickled. He let loose a clear laugh, a rolling sound that made me smile.

I think I noticed first. His sleeves were rolled up and there were stars all over his forearms, drawn right over the scars I always knew were there but had never seen.

Looking at the stars for a few seconds longer, I knew who drew them, and it made me miss her a little more.

Once his brother and sister left, Izuku and Katsuki grabbed him next, kissing him all over his face, sort of making fun of him that way. He laughed before clamping a palm over each of their mouths.

"Hi," he said breathlessly, a rosy flush from laughter high in his cheeks. I waved before pointing to his arms.

"I see Eri turned you into an art project," I said with a small grin, pushing myself off the wall to catch Shoto in a half hug.

He gave me a chuckle with a sort of half shrug before pausing almost awkwardly as I leaned in for a hug.

I stepped back with a laugh, looking at him as heat started to climb to his cheeks. "Did you want a kiss from me too?" I joked as Katsuki roared with laughter. I grabbed his face and placed a kiss on the crown of his head, ruffling his hair after I let go.

"Sorry, Toshi," He mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck as his face flushed red.

"It's fine, don't worry about it,"


After 2 hours or so, we were up in Izuku's room again. My Dad told me he would pick me up in 15 minutes, so I was lying on Izu's bed with my legs against the wall, throwing and catching a stress ball as I waited.

The three of them sort of sat around me, giving me space while making their presence known.

Every time I closed my eyes, I saw his face, heard his voice telling me that it was fine, that it was okay, felt his fingers wrap around my wrists, a hand down my waist.

I shuddered, the stress ball brushing my fingertips and hitting the ground. I watched as Katsuki scooped up the ball and laid down on the ground.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Katsuki asked, taking up throwing and catching the ball as he spoke.

"Am I being overdramatic?"

"I mean, Denki and I weren't broken up yet, and maybe he didn't mean to."

"Hitoshi. Stop that. You said yourself that you said stop like 20 times."

"What, you saying he didn't hear you?"


"Jesus, Hitoshi. He told you it was fine, which means he heard you say no and ignored you say no."

I made an uncharacteristically squeaky sound before squeezing my eyes shut.

"I don't think I want to talk about it anymore," I mumbled as my insides roiled.

"Come here," Katsuki beckoned quietly from my side. I turned slowly, meeting his eyes for a moment before I dropped my head onto his shoulder.

I breathed a deep inhale and warm caramelized sugar is all I could smell. I closed my eyes, and I felt his fingers slowly and gently comb through my hair. I opened my eyes for a moment to find Katsuki scrolling through an article with his free hand.

I let my eyes fall shut again as warmth blossomed in my chest. An overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my friends, these people I would do just about anything for. I smiled, settling into the comforting silence, knowing they would do the same for me.

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