Chapter 1

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"Are you ready for school my little fútbol star?" mother asks ruffling my hair. "Mamá you know he doesn't like being called little and it's soccer here" my younger sister laughs as I roll my eyes.

"Do not make fun of your brother because of his height" she gives her a look and I just jump off the stool. "I'm not that short and yes I'm ready for school. Can we go now? I want to scope out the soccer field before school starts" I explain and mother nods. I was standing at a proud five foot and five inches... and a half.

Today is my first day at the new school and I was beyond excited apparently their soccer team was spectacular. Since I am shorter I've always been fast and agile. It's what made me such a great soccer player. I was the star of my old team and I'm hoping to make my way up on this team as well.

We use to live in a completely different state but our padre wanted us to get a better education and got like a job opportunity or something. My sister Josefina was just starting highschool while I was starting my sophomore year and then we have our little brother Javier he's only five.

All of us crowded up into the minivan, dad having already left for work. "I wonder if there will be cute boys" My sister thinks out loud looking out the window.

"Josefina! What have I said" mother asks not taking her eyes off of the unfamiliar roads. My sister groans next to me as I smile. "No boyfriends until after my quinceañera" she huffs before sitting straight back up.

"But mami! You let Luis have a boyfriend when he was 14!!?" She explains and mother looks into the mirror with a conflicted expression. "Your brother was questioning his sexuality. I didn't want him having to wait till he was fifteen to find out whether he liked girls or boys. If you suddenly find yourself attracted to girls I'll let you have one novia to test it out just like your brother" she fumbles with the words but finally gets them out. I honestly thought it was fair.

I ended up dating the guy for about four months before we just kind of fell apart. I think I just got bored of the same thing and he did too. Thanks to mother I've learned I'm bisexual.

"lo que sea" she grumbles crossing her arms as mother shakes her head but continues on her drive. I check my phone not surprised when I find nothing. I haven't even met anybody yet.

I smoothed down my shorts and tried to pick any hairs or dirt off my Nike shirt as we grew nearer to the school. "Where we going?" My little brother asks looking around in his car seat.

"We're going to drop your siblings off at school and then you get to start your new kindergarten" mom explains trying to keep the cheer in her voice. "Do I come bak?" He shrinks back into his seat his brown eyes wide and now tearing up.

"Of course my son, I would never leave you" mother coos looking into her mirror to watch him. The rest of the ride was pretty much silent before mother was pulling into the high school's parking lot.

It's so big. I don't understand how we were allowed in. Was it money? We aren't a rich family.

Mamá opens the doors with a button and Josefina and I hurry out, me grabbing my two bags. "I'll pick you up after tryouts" she smiles before turning to my sister. "I'll pick you up after I get Javier, unless you need to stay after for something either way both of you text me if you need me" she smiles and we both nod.

"te quiero, mamá" My sister says first getting blown a kiss from mom. "te quiero, mamá" I copy also getting blown a kiss. We both wave before making our way into the school together. I looked to Josefina and sighed.

Both of us were the same height. Uncontrollable curls and extremely light brown eyes, they almost seem beige in a way. I think they are cool and I love them. Josefina has dark brown hair that matched her lighter tan skin, while I had raven black hair that goes with my darker tan skin. Hers went to her shoudler and mine to my ears.

Our facial structures were pretty much the same though. She wore some ripped jeans with a striped shirt that had been unbuttoned, exposing some of her chest.

"Did mother see your shirt?" I ask and she shakes her head. "I'm trying to hard" she sighs pulling her hair into a high ponytail. Revealing big hoop earrings. "Yeah you are" I say amazed looking at the earring somehow still in her ears.

"I want to fit in here" she murmurs and I nod. "It's okay- I doubt I'll fit in here- I got lucky at our old school we can be lonely together" I smile staying optimistic and she groans.

"That doesn't make me feel better Luis" she grumbles. I look the other way feeling bad. I was trying. The crowded halls soon disperse and everybody finds themselves against the lockers.

My sister and I follow suit not sure what's going on. Neither of us wanted to be picked out immediately though. A group of guys walk through and I admire them from afar.

"They definitely play soccer" I tell my sister and she bites her lip watching. "How can you tell" she murmurs and I look all of them over. "They have strong legs. Plus the one with red hair has a soccer bag" I chuckle and she nods.

There were two up front. One had his arm around the others shoulder and they joked around as the guys behind them laugh along. Captains? Possibly. I should get on their good side.

"The two up front are so good looking" my sister mumbles and I roll my eyes but eventually make my eyes actually focus on their faces. One was a blond- hair short and straight, pale skin, light freckles and green eyes. The taller one was a bit tanner no where near me or my sister though. He had very dark brown hair that was gelled up and brown eyes.

"Okay so maybe they are" I grumbled to myself. Josefina was to busy scoping out all the other guys on the team. I love her to death but I'm going to strangle her.

I go back to staring trying to think of a strategy for getting on the team. I've been working out all summer. I know I'm strong I just might not look it. I'm fast. I know some pretty cool soccer tricks.

I honestly just need to get on their good side. I can do that. Probably shouldn't start with the captains because that's obvious. More than likely should start with somebody... in the back.

I wait for them to come through until my eyes find a blonde kid. His hair was longer and pulled up into a bun. He had sunglasses on but wore a broad smile. There were obvious dimples on his cheeks and he was also kind of cute.

I couldn't tell if he was looking back at me because of the glasses but I risked it and lifted my hand to wave at him. He waves back his smile widening even more.

Taking his glasses off to reveal amber colored eyes. Those eyes following me the whole time even when he passed me. I stared at him as well before finally he was tugged by one of his friends and he whipped himself forward making a joke and putting the glasses back on.

"Now if he's interested he'll come to me- instant spot on the soccer team" I chuckle rubbing my hands greedily. "You're actually soccer crazy" she murmurs and I give her the finger.

"Find a sport- dedication runs through the fmaily I bet you'd become just as crazy" I tell her getting an eye roll. "As if" she mutters and I squint my eyes.

"That saying confuses me so much" I remind her and she nods. "We should definitely say it to mom tonight and see her reaction!" She cheers and I quickly agree holding my hand up for a high five quickly getting one.

"We should probably find our classes now. See you later?" She asks and I nod. "Of course- I need my little sister to protect me" I boost her ego with a sarcastic comment.

She smirks and sends me a finger gun before walking off. I sigh but pull out my phone and turn it on revealing my lock screen. "Room 302?" Another voice asks and I look up to find sunglasses kid.

"Yeah" I smile and he puts his hand out for me which I gladly take. "Anton Acker" he introduces himself first. Good.

"Luis Soto Abanto"

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