Bonus Chapter 1

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Terence and Logan
The day before the Districts Game

"Terence go get me some more cigarettes boy!" Dad shouts as I hurry to finish the dishes. I've still got to do my damn homework. "Dad I'm not old enough to buy them" I yell back something I've retold him hundreds of times now.

"Steal some then- I need cigarettes!" He slams his hand on the table next to his chair. "Dad... I can't. If I get caught I won't be given any scholarships... remember? College?" I mumble walking over to him.

"Damn it! You don't do anything around here! I ask for one thing every once in a while and you can't even do that. I told you I'd pay for your college as long as you weren't going off and being gay like your mother!" He stands and yells.  

I squeeze my fist and close my eyes. With what money? What money for college! "I'm not gay!" I yell back barring my teeth. "Oh? So now you're yelling at me!?" He snaps and I sink back some more.

"Then what's this about you breaking up with your girlfriend!?" He asked licking his greasy lips. "I didn't like her... why would I date someone I don't like?" I admit shyly.

"I don't want to hear it! You're a fag aren't you!? Aren't you! Fag! Fag! Ungrateful fag. Cock sucking slut!" He marches over slapping me across the face. "I'm not a fag!" I yell back getting slapped again.

"Go get your girlfriend back then." He says simply. Hurrying to grab my shoes I open the door as he goes to sit down shaking his head disappointed.

Closing it behind me I walk down the sidewalk not even sure where this girl was or where she lived. Tatiana. I didn't like her at all. I couldn't bring myself to like her. Every time we tried anything I just couldn't. It's my fault. My fault but I don't know why... I do know why.

Sighing I turn back around and run past my house. I ran a few blocks before going up to the gray house. I hesitantly knock hoping for the best.

The door opens and there he is. Short black curly hair. Light blue eyes that made me feel so much. "Terence?" Logan asked me as I looked at his driveway.

"Can I come in?" I asked getting a nod. He lets me and I pull my shoes off looking over to see him watching me.

"Are you okay?" He asked as I went over to the couch flipping onto it. "Yeah just another fight with dad" I mumble. He nods sitting next to me and examining my cheek.

"Are your parents home?" I ask looking around for them. He shakes his head and I smile. Going over top of him I smash my lips onto his kissing him hungrily. He kisses back his hand fisting my shirt the other one going to my hair. Now this... this was so much better.

I crawled over top of him more pushing him completely against the couch. My knee going between his legs. "Terence" the way he whined my name. Him. He. A boy. I was a fag, but when I was with him I didn't care.

"Terence" he says my name again, so I pull away only to move and kiss his neck. "I don't know when my parents will be home" he whispers while I pull at his shirt. "Let's go to your room" I mutter and he nods.

I go first him following me. As soon as he closes the door I'm throwing him onto the bed again forcing my lips onto his. He opened his mouth for me and I let my tongue explore every inch of it.

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