Chapter 7

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I wonder if I did something Anton hasn't talked to me at all today. Did I lose him too? Closing my locker door I start for the locker room. Keeping my head down as I passed my sister just so nobody would figure out we're siblings.

There's giggling and I shake my head already knowing it's about me. "I heard he doesn't even have a toothbrush- that's how poor he is" I'm pretty sure Mariah our neighbor said that.

I put a hand to my cheek and cringe feeling the bruised mark from yesterday. It was more of a pinkish- red color.

I wonder how I'll hide it from Mamá though or Josefina she might see it and grow suspicious. Javier might tell too. I should have thought it through better.

Opening the locker room door, I go to my locker stopping in front of it. The words 'go back to your country' were scribbled onto it.  Most of the guys around me started to snicker as I looked to the ground.

Smiling I open the locker door. "I was born in America... so I'm in my country already" I remind them and it shuts up their immature snickering.

I hurried to change before going to one of the mirrors to examine my face. The cheek was definitely more swollen than the other and pink very pink. Bug bite? Allergy?

"Luis man sorry I had an- woah what happen?" Anton comes over. His face hardens and he looks back amongst the whole team. "Did one of you do this!?" He shouts while I tug at his arm.

"Hey it's not like that- I'm just breaking out for some reason" I go with that excuse and he eyes me suspiciously. I think a few people didn't believe me because their usually hateful glares seemed to actually be concerned.

I doubt it though. I made eye contact with Dylan and he looked me up and down before smiling. He smiled at me. Does he want to be my friend. Cameron must have saw because he smacked Dylan's arm causing him to straighten up.

Not long after people started filing out for practice. Cameron yelling at the stragglers. Our preppy captain, Dylan came back over from the locker room office and handed him something before leaving the locker room.

"Everybody out besides Luis!" He shouts. "we need to have a talk" his voice was quiet and low but I followed as he used the key to open the same office door.

"Sit" he instructs me opening the first aid box. I sit but shake my head. "Nothing in there can fix acne" I remind him but he shrugs. "This ointment will stop bruising and will help cool the sting" he doesn't listen anyways and I look away embarrassed as he starts to rub it over my cheek.

"Was it one of the soccer boys?" he asks and I look up to him and shake my head. "No it was none of them- it's kind of embarrassing. My younger brother and I were wrestling and he head butted with me" I come up with a lie. He stares into my eyes harshly before nodding once again.

Screwing the lid back onto the ointment he puts it back into the kit before putting that away. "Thank you" I thank him while he waves it off. "Go thank Dylan he's the one that went and got it. He just told me to do it and I've learned to just listen to him or he gets bratty" he chuckles as I stand there awkwardly.

"Oh okay" I answer starting for the door. "I mean I still would have helped you- I just wouldn't have thought about getting something for you" I think he tries to word it better. I scratch the back of my neck and just shrug.

"Yeah- um thanks again I guess for helping me even though you didn't want too" I whisper and he clenched his teeth. "I wanted too- I'll be out in a minute" he dismisses me and I hurry out of the locker room joining the rest of the team.

Dylan was explaining some sort of drill and I watch him or- listened to him intently before people start to get in positions. Taking a deep breath I march over to him.

He looks up from his notepad and smiles at me. "Need anything Luis?" He asks and I shake my head. "Just wanted to say thank you for the ointment" I thank him and he chuckles shaking his head.

"Don't thank me Cameron was the one who did it. I just suggested it" he smiles before suddenly rolling his eyes. "He did the crappiest job blending it in though" he sighs dropping the notepad and pencil to the ground. I stand still as he grabs my chin making me look up at him. My hearts skips a beat as he uses his other hand to rub some more of the ointment in or something.

The locker room door opens and I stumble away confused as to what just happen when Cameron joins Dylan. "Idiot, you forgot to blend it in" Dylan lectures him as I smile. "Sure- you just wanted to touch him" Cameron smirks as I freeze are they trying to play with me!? Did they find out I'm bisexual!?

I join Anton and start to stretch as he looks over at me. "What was that about?" He eyes the two and I shrug. "They were just asking some questions about my cheek- they wanted to make sure the team didn't do anything. I made sure to tell them I was just breaking out and apologized for freaking them out" I explain. He scoffs before taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry that wasn't polite. Feel free to talk to me about that sort of thing whenever. I'll help as much as I can" he reaches over to grab my shoulder. I nod and he smiles. "For now I'll change the subject" he chuckles.

"How's your sister" he asks and I groan. "Do you seriously like her!?" I say a little louder than I meant too. I quickly cover my mouth and he laughs. "Not sure yet. If she's anything like you I'll probably like her. She giggles and stuff when I wave at her but honestly it doesn't feel the same... now that I'm saying this out loud I don't think I actually like her" he rubs his temple and groans.

"Dating is hard" he sighs and I nod. "Ooo you've dated someone?" He asks and I nod not really sure I wanted to tell him. "Secret?" He asks and I shrug. "I'll tell you... but not here. I know you don't care but I don't want to give them other reasons to make fun of me" I mutter my eyes gesturing to the eavesdropping people around us.

"Let me give you a ride home! Then you can tell me!" He suggests and I nod. "Okay- sure!" I agree. I didn't have to walk and it's bonding with my one friend right now. No way was I turning it down. Plus he suggested it so I didn't even need to do anything.

I was excited for practice to be over. I was going to be telling Anton something that only my family knew. My mind occasionally drifted off by as I though about how hot the captains were and how preoccupied our coach seemed to be.

Dylan and Cameron took turns practicing other times studying the team. I wasn't surprised when I got pushed to the back for everything. Anton usually ended up grabbing me and pulling me to the front of the group to quickly re-explain the drill because I wasn't able to see past the bodies purposely trying to get in my way.

I use to cry when mom wanted to take me home from practice I hated leaving the field. Here I am ready to run off the field as fast as I can. I'm starting to doubt dad will ever actually be proud of me, so maybe I should see if there is a community league? Or like a rec league.

"You ready to go?" Anton pulls me out of my trance and I hurry to pull of my cleats. Putting them in their bag I slip into my slides and stay close to Anton's side waiting for him to lead the way.

"Bye" I wave to the captains as we walk by them. Dylan nods politely to me and Cameron just smiles. Anton's arm wraps around me and he hurries past them. "What was that about?" He asks and I shrug. "They were nice to me earlier so I want them to like me ya know" I admit and he bites his cheek.

"Be careful- I don't trust them" he mutters. I nod letting him continue. He lets go of my shoulder and I look to where his hand was and bite my cheek. Why are all the boys on this team so hot.

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