Chapter 58

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There was only a few minutes of the game left. I had been in since half time. Sadly Mamá had to take Javier to an appointment so she left a few minutes ago.

"Luis!" One of my teammates shouts. I turn back and I'm quickly passed the ball. Looking around for a good passing option I start up the field. Out of nowhere I'm shoved to the dirt.

"I'm so sorry- I thought you were the other team!" Terrence yells loudly so the ref doesn't call it. He takes the ball down as I struggle to my feet the air having been knocked out of me.

With one last kick he takes a shot cheering with the rest of the team as it glides in. A few of the  opposing team comes over and helps me up. The ref had blowed his whistle signaling the end of the game just as the ball had gone in.

"You did great" one of them compliments me and I nod. "You as well" I smile watching them leave. Our coach was cheering since we had won another game. One game closer to districts.

I took a minute to myself trying to get my breathing together before I joined the others at the bench. They all seemed to smile so wide and were so happy. I was attempting to wipe the dirt off of me causing a laugh from some of them. "Don't bother it matches your skin- dirty" Logan laughs into his fist.

I drop my hands and bite my cheek. Maybe if I laughed along they'll just stop. I open my mouth to say yeah or something like that but it's cut off. "Everybody locker room now- if you even think about leaving you're off the team" Cameron shouts. We all freeze but nod hurrying towards our locker room.

"Technically you can't do that-" our coach finally decides to say something getting shut down by Dylan. "Technically you're suppose to come to practice- do you really want to lose the best team you've ever had... I didn't think so" he blackmails our coach who gulps and hurried to follow the boys into the locker room.

Anton comes over to me rubbing my arm. "You okay? How's your head... we should make you go to the doctors" He quickly pesters me with questions guiding us towards the locker room. "Yeah- it just knocked the wind out of me- I definitely have to shower now- I'm fine I promise" I chuckle sadly. Or not it matched my skin I guess. Did they really see me as dirty?

Anton walks in but I get pulled back by Cameron. Dylan comes over with a curious look. "Why are we meeting in there?" He asks and that's when I grow confused too. They didn't plan it. Nothing good ever happens in the locker room.  For me at least.

"You'll see- just so you know, you do not need to follow in my footsteps" he whispers to Dylan who gives him a confused look but nods going into the locker room.

Cameron cups my cheek and smiles. "Your skin is beautiful. I love you so much, and I'm not going to let you go through this alone anymore. You don't deserve it" he whispers as I look him over confused but I could but feel the tears sting my eyes at his words. He made me feel wanted at the moment.

Turning he opens the door letting me in and I stand next to Anton who puts his hand against my back. The chattering excited boys go quiet as Cameron enters and walks into the middle of the circle.

"Terence you're no longer a starter" he says simply making the guys throw him into the circle. "What!? Why!" He yells throwing his hands up. "You know damn well why" he shouts sizing him up. Terence grits his teeth but puts his hands down at his side.

"Why are you on his side?!" Terence shouts pointing at me. I move a hand up to my arm. My heart hurting at everything Terence had ever done to me. My nails felt like nothing as they dug into my skin. I scratched quietly not wanting Anton to notice as he rubbed my back attempting to calm me.

"Even if I didn't like Luis, you pushing your own teammate down and making our team look like douche bags would piss me off" he yells rubbing his face as his tapped his foot. He was nervous. Why is he nervous?

"So let me get this fucking straight!? Nobody in here likes Luis because he's Mexican and bisexual? Not even gay he's fine dating both, but I bet you all assume he is gay don't you?" He starts to dig at them about... me. I don't think this is going to end well. I'm screwed. I'm majorly screwed.

He's going to like agree with them. He'll trick them into thinking that he hates me and that's why he said he loved me before. So it'll hurt less. I scratch at my skin flinching as the pain starts to set in. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Well I'm done- I don't care what fucking race anybody is it doesn't matter- he's got more culture than any of us. You're all just jealous because you're living the boring white picket fence life" he taunts as they all stood there silently.

My eyes went to Dylan who was watching Cameron with wide and worried eyes. I glanced to our coach and he was watching Cameron curiously. He was in no way trying to stop it and almost seemed entertained. Probably was going to go home and tell his fiancé all about it. I still want to know who he's marrying but apparently no one knows.

"We get it-" Terrence tries to back into the circle but Cameron grabs his shirt pulling him back into the center. "No you don't. Most of you are racist sons of bitches- homophobic too. Do I need to have a parent meeting and tell them all about what you guys do at practices. There's cameras facing the field we'll see plenty of pushing and beating up on a poor innocent high schooler" he continues his ranting as I loosen my grip on my arms.

He's sticking up for me? He really is...

His foot tapping stops, but immediately starts up again as he takes a deep breath. "Most of you like me as a person well guess fucking what... I'm gay! Not even just bi I like guys only- so if you think it's okay to make fun of people for their sexuality I dare you to come after me on the field. I'm not nice like Luis I will fucking destroy you" he threatens them all while coming out. The already silent room seems to go still.

Anton stopped and grabbed my shirt. He did it. He came out. Terence opened his mouth to talk but stopped finally retreating to the edge of the circle. Cameron was breathing heavily and I could tell he was basically horrified of what he just did but he wouldn't let them all know.

His foot tapping turned to him rocking back and forth and I knew he wouldn't be able to hide how nevrous he was much longer. Anton let go of me and joined him in the center. "I feel it's pretty obvious I'm not straight- pansexual to be precise" Anton comes out as well making Cameron smile.

Dylan's wide eyes narrowed and he took a deep breath walking in. "Yeah I'm gay too" he shrugs walking in as the boys start chatting between each other.  Somebody grabs my arm and I flinch away, only relaxing when I realize it wasn't a harsh grab.

It was our keeper. "Will you go out there with me?" He asked making my eyes widen, but I nodded. Julian walked us both to the center and man did their eyes about bulge out of there head.

"Guys my family is Mexican. My abuela and abuelo moved here from Puebla, Mexico. Also I don't really label myself but I do have a boyfriend" he shrugs smiling over at Cameron and I guess our little gay squad in the center.

One by one a few of our teammates came to the center confessing something about their culture or heritage, some more even coming out about their sexuality.

The whole room was pretty much shocked. I hugged onto Anton not believing that this was happening. This was going to help me. They weren't going to hurt me anymore. It was going to be better!

I smiled wide inhaling Anton's scent as somebody started clapping. With a little less than half the team coming out, our coach walked forward too. This really shocked us all.

"My fiancé is a man" he says bluntly. "What!? Who?" Charlie asked before any of us could. "Markus Janes" he chuckles making us all freeze. "The drama teacher!" The whole team yells simultaneously.

He nods putting his hands on his hips. "Dear fucking god" Terence huffs pushing his way out of the crowd of students and out the door followed by Logan. Most of the others seemed to have gotten over it since half of their friends just came out.

"I'm going to be honest the game was shit- okay you can leave now" Cameron gives his pep talk dismissing the boys who quickly file out. Some embarrassed or regretting their decisions. Once the last boy had left I jumped into Cameron's arms.

"Thank you! Thank you so much! I love you! I love you! Ugh I love you!"

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