Chapter 61

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The silver blazer has been given a name... I now present to you Flynn of course based off of the Flynn Rider.

Sitting in Cameron's living room, his dad at work and his stepmom typing away in her little office room. Every once in a while Cameron left to check on her bringing her a glass of water or something

Anton was on the couch and Dylan laid over his lap looking at the tv. Anton had one hand on Dylan's back gently caressing him as he used the other to scroll through his phone.

When Cameron came back he sat in a chair and went back to watching the movie as I sat with my back against the couch. My phone buzzed and I stopped watching the movie to look at it.

My heart sinking after seeing who it was.

'We are going to hangout after our game together next week'

I look the message over and gulp. "Who are we going against next week?!" I asked getting looked at by all three.

"Riverbend- fuck what are they... um-" Cameron answered first and Dylan finished it. "They are the Crains" he answers putting his head back down and looking at the tv.

Anton smiled at him and put a hand in Dylan's hair playing with it. I nodded and slouched against the couch staring at my phone.

'The things I could do to you'

He just keeps going.

'I don't want to do things with you Mark'

I answer and that set him off.

'I'll show your whole team the pictures- I'll tell your boyfriends how good you made me feel on our date'

My eyes widened at his reply, but he doesn't stop.

'Who are they going to believe? Me or you? I doubt they'll believe you'

He sends it before deleting all of the messages. I don't know how he does it. I think he just clears the chat or something.


I send simply throwing my phone down.

Grabbing my arms I glare at my feet trying not to cry. I have a week to get out of this. Standing I go to the bathroom and shut the door staring myself down in the mirror.

"You are so stupid Luis- you're actually so stupid. You can't do anything. Think think. Think!" I mutter to myself. I scratch my arms violently and started feeling the sting. Looking at myself I could see how noticeable they were and immediately started crying.

"You can't do anything right- I need to go home before they see" I whisper to myself going back to my arms, nails piercing the skin.

I held in a cry at how bad it hurt but I'd rather feel it there then in my heart. When my heart hurts my chest hurts and then it just feels like it hurts to live. I don't like feeling like that.

I quietly sobbed. Continuing to hurt myself. "I don't want to- I don't want to do it" I continue to cry trying to be quiet. It's okay. It'll be okay.

"It's not okay- I'm going to let him do what he wants with me. It's me I'm not stopping him I won't even have time to think of a way. He'll show them the pictures. They won't believe me- they won't believe me. I'm me." My breathing was getting heavier as I rocked back and forth.

"No. No... No. No" I mumble into my hands. There's a knock and I immediately stop. "Flower? You've been in there a while. Are you okay?" His voice was so calm as he asked. I could practically see him resting his head aginst the door.

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