Chapter 44 ⚠️Smut⚠️

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"Where's Anton?" Cameron asked lifting his head up from the pillow. Dylan kissed my arms a few times before letting go of me. "I'm going to go pick him up soon- from his house he was 'too tired' to drive this morning, but anyway he went to a movie with his sisters and dads" Dylan explains as I stand and flip onto Cameron cuddling into his chest.

"So what you're saying is we should fuck before you have to leave" Cameron chuckles. I sit up and cover my mouth to hide my smile and flustered expression.

Both boys have experimented with lots of things with me. "You know I don't want to do those types of things with- yet" he cuts himself off and I look down a little embarrassed. He doesn't want to do things with me? Do I gross him out? Maybe he just doesn't like me like that.

"Well then Luis we can have some fun... Dylan you are more than welcome to watch" Cameron sits up more and cups my chin. "As much as I would love that- I need to go get Anton soon, but I'll help get our lovely boyfriend in the mood" he laughs standing up and walking over. I look between the two speechless.

"My flower" Dylan whispers leaning over me. I give in immediately and throw my arms over his shoulders kissing him passionately. His pink lips gently caress my own as his hands rub up and down my sides.

Cameron moves behind me his lips tracing my neck as his hands moved to grope my hips and down my thighs. Dylan pulled away and moved over my shoulder kissing Cameron. The two kissed as a hand pressed firmly against my crotch.

I let my head fall back with a groan and Cameron chuckles in my ear. Dylan's hand moves faster as I grab his shoulders. Only relaxing when he moves away kissing my cheek.

"I'll drive slow- and flirt with Anton a whole bunch" he laughs. Cameron sends him one of his horny smiles while he makes his escape. "Are your parents here?" I ask when the door closes and Cameron's hands went to where Dylan's had been his other making its way up my shirt.

"Nope- the house all to ourselves" he murmurs in my ear as I urge the noises to stay in my throat. I struggle to turn around and face him, but once I do I go up on my knees kissing him. He immediately kisses back harder.

Biting my lip, my hands search for anything to get some sort of reaction. "God Luis- I want you so bad" he groans grabbing at my shirt. I immediately got turned on by his words and let him strip my shirt from me.

The brunette pushed me down taking his own shirt off before kissing around my neck. I moved again wanting to feel his lips on mine. His hands going to my pants as I continue to kiss him scared of what might be happening.

I gasped as he started to pull my sweats off but we continue to make out. Wrapping my arms around his neck I kissed back distracting myself as he awkwardly took another article of his off.

"Baby, can I please" he whispered putting a knee against my boxers. I choked out a cry at the bliss feeling and nodded before looking away. He smiled at me peppering my cheeks with kisses as he removed my last piece of clothing.

"You're so pretty" he whispered rubbing his hands up and down my sides. "Cameron" I whisper his name and he chuckles moving over me more.

His hand moves under my back and slid down caressing my ass. "Suck" he moves back up putting his hand in front of my face. I grow flustered but do as he says taking his hand and sucking on the three fingers. His other hand holding my hip.

"Good boy" he praises me kissing my cheek. "You remember what Dylan did last time?" He asked and I nodded rolling over to my stomach. We hadn't gone all the way yet, but I knew Cameron wanted too.

"You really are such a good boy" I could hear his smile as he groped my ass. My hands fisted the blankets ready for it this time. I kept my head down and he adjusted himself again before a finger probed at my entrnace.

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