Chapter 36

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"How was practice?" Mom asks hugging me tightly, squeezing my cheeks, and kissing my head repeatedly. "It was great" I lie knowing no practice could ever be great on this team. Plus we had canceled practices for this week.

She grabs my hand and smiles. "Your nails are so pretty! Who did them?" she questions looking at my nails that probably had to be redone soon.  "One of my friends little sister she's pretty good" I chuckle and she laughs going back to kissing my face.

"I've got two jobs- one is just some extra shifts here and there" she assures me running her hands through my hair. "You got your hair brush good- I need to cut your hair" she whispers before getting into the van.

"Give me your bag" she whispers and I peek in to see my brother still covering his eyes. "Mami can I see now?" He asked and I softened at his cuteness. I'm handed a new bag as she takes the old one. "Your shampoo and conditioner- new clothes. Added some more snacks." She whispered kissing me once again.

"Here's Javier's bag- your dad thinks he's at David's" she whispers and I nod. Just wanting to hold my little brother. "Okay Javier!" Mamá yells unbuckling him. He uncovers his eyes and blinks a bit before seeing me.

"Luis!" He yells before running over. Jumping out of the van he wraps his legs around me and I hug him close, kissing the top of his head. "Javier- I missed you" I whisper and he nods refusing to let go.

"And who are you?" Mamá asks a big smile on her face. I turn around to find the three boys behind me making me flustered. "Mamá this is Dylan, Cameron, and Anton" I introduce them to my mother as she smiles waving to them. She seemed a little happier today so that's good.

"Hola! Are you Luis's friends?" She asks them and they all nod. "Javier do you remember them?" I ask and he looks up before nodding. "Hello" he whispers as I smile. "Hello" "hi buddy" hi" they all smile answering him.

"I need to get back before your papi gets suspicious" she sighs kissing my cheek once again. "No mami I don't wanna go without Luis! I don't wanna leave" he cries clutching me tighter.

"Javier you're having a sleepover with him... you get to spend some time together" she cheers as he sits up and cheers. "Really!" He asks looking between us. She nods and kisses his head.

"Mamá loves you- I love you and I will fix this mess" she yells before hurrying to get into the van. I watch her wipe her eyes before driving off hurrying back home.

Setting Javier down, I pick up my three bags and then Javier's before reaching down to hold his hand. Javier had lighter skin like Josefina but his hair was a pitch black curly mess. His curls hung around his ears and it made him adorable. Not to mention his dark green eyes. Eyes that he had gotten from our abuela.

"Who's house?" I ask not sure and Cameron steps forward. "It's my night- already told my dad and step mom about him and they happily agreed!" He explained. I had asked about Javier before and they all agreed he could spend a night with me whenever.

"Basing on her reaction I don't think your mom knew that Anton and Josefina were dating"  Dylan adds and I nod, even though I hadn't noticed it. Anton sighs not over it.

"My house- so you ride with me. Everybody I'll see you there!" Cameron cheers trying to change the subject. I smile as the boy next to me giggles.

"I missed you" he squeals as Cameron kisses Dylan and puts a hand on my backpack guiding me towards his truck. I open the the passenger side door and pick my brother up so he can sit in the middle before putting our bags in the back with Cameron's. 

Hoping in after I reach across my brother and kiss Cameron. "Mmm thank you" he mumbles kissing me again. "Woah! Is dis yor husbond!" He shouts as my face goes red and I buckle up.

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