Chapter 21

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Posting another chapter today! It's dedicated to my brother who's been struggling mentally recently. He loves this book and has always supported me so I'm hoping posting another chapter for him to read will make him feel better.

"Luis- Luis!" I woke up from whispering. Slowly I open my eyes still drained from the events of yesterday. I sigh and move into the touch. Whoever's hand was tracing their fingers over my cheeks.

"Hmm?" I ask being pulled into a sitting up position. "Look" I rub my eyes to find it was Dylan, still holding me. Following his hand, he pointed at Cameron and Anton.

I laugh quietly at the two. The boys were hugging eachother tightly Cameron's leg hung over Anton's body. "Should we wake them up?" Dylan asked already up and ready to go.

"What time is it?" I yawn leaning against him. "6:45 I gave you about an hour to get ready before we need to leave for school" he explains and I nod into his shoudler closing my eyes.

"I'll wake them, you go attempt to find clothes" he pats my side and I nod standing up. Rubbing my eyes I go to Anton's closet and attempt to find something to wear all while watching Dylan shake the two boys. "Love- wake up! Anton" he shakes them both standing back when they start to show signs of waking up.

"Morn- get off of me!" Cameron is the first to shout as Anton pulls always starting to make gagging noises. "You disgusting pervert!" He yells standing completely from the mattress holding himself in a hug.

Dylan and I were laughing as Cameron turned the other way hugging himself as well with a disgusted look. "We are telling no one about this" they mutually agree as I hold onto my shorts for dear life. Realizing they had been falling this whole time.

"You did it on purpose didn't you!?" Cameron turns to him with a look of annoyance. "What? I have a girlfriend!" Anton grumbled as I go back to looking for clothes. "Wait!? You're not gay!?" Cameron whispers as he rolls his eyes. "Nope-"

"Who's your girlfriend" Dylan ask now curious. I cringe picking out a plain red shirt. "Josie- Luis's sister" I shoot him a look and he throws his hands up. "People aren't supposed to know we are related" I remind him and he rolls his eyes which kind of hurt.

I shake it off and let him talk. "They already saw her when we were all at your house" he explains but the two boys shake their heads. "We were actually preoccupied by the crying toddler and Luis" Dylan chuckles sadly and Cameron stretches.

"So Josie is your sister? Why don't you want pople knowing isn't that kind of bitchy- pretending to not be related to her?" He raises an eyebrow as I drop my arms to the side.

It's to early to be crying. "Yeah I guess so, I didn't think it through I guess" I chuckle and he rolls his eyes this time. I don't like this. I don't want to be here.

"Sorry I just didn't expect you to be like that" he continues to be brutally honest as I looked down. I just wanted to scream at him that it's Josefina who doesn't want me. Who doesn't like me. Refuses to be associated with me. I couldn't talk like that around her boyfriend though. I would lose Anton all over again.

"I mean I would kill to have siblings- maybe that's why your dad-" I look up quickly. "Cameron" Dylan grumbled from the side but he doesn't stop. "Maybe that's why he's so mad because you're treating your siblings like shit- don't Cameron me. I'm trying to actually figure this out" he turns to Dylan who was shaking his head.

Anton had nothing to say. I walked over to my school bag and phone and took them. "You're right-" I nod the tears pricking my eyes. They all were silent. They all think I'm some asshole now. That I'm all upset for no reason. They just think I'm a liar. Once again Josefina was perfect. I wish I was like her.

I just changed into my clothes from yesterday and started to search directions to the school. I about fainted seeing it would be over an hour of walking. I walk fast though. I would need to leave now.

I finally left the bathroom after being able to successfully make myself look fine. Anton hurried in after me and as the other boys looked for clothes I quickly escaped out of the room and down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Penelope asked piping out of nowhere. "I'm going to school- I'm just going to walk- I need the exersice" I make up an excuse and the ten year old hugs me. "Will you really let me paint your nails" she whispers and I nod.

"Yes of course" I smile and she lets go of me before waving. "Bye bye" I wave back and she giggled before running back into their kitchen.

I start the directions as soon as I had successfully closed the door. I didn't want them to see me awkwardly walking away so I ran for a few minutes before slowing down to a speed walk.

I know this is petty but I wouldn't be able to stand them talking shit about me anymore. "I still have an hour" I groan into my hands before turning my phone off. Walk straight for two miles.

Not long after my phone started blowing up. I looked at it hoping the buzzing was Mamá calling but sighed when it was just Anton. There were texts going through as well and I read them all not opening the messages.

'Where did you go?'
'Luis are you okay?'
'We are all freaking out!'

'Hey cutie. Is this about what I said?'
'I swear I was just trying to figure it out. I can't just always see you as a victim I wanted to make sure everything made sense to me'
'Okay I realized that probably made it worse'
'I just didn't understand why you won't let people know Josie is your sister'

"Her name is Josefina! It's her! It's not me... it's not me. It can't always be my fault!... it can't" right? I shouted staring harshly at the concrete.

'Luis please answer my calls'
'If you don't answer one of us I'm telling my parents you're missing'
'That is not a threat but I'm serious'

I let out a small cry and open Dylan's messages. Since he's been the nicest to me. 'I'm all good, just walking to school' I sent the text and quickened my pace.

'Thank you so much for texting me back'
I just tried to turn my phone off completely, but the messages kept coming.

'Why would you answer him? Why not me!'
You're dating my sister. You keep leaving me for her. You know it's her. She's the one who doesn't want to be seen with me.

'Answer me Luis!'
'Tell me why you're so upset!'
'Am I wrong!? You kept agreeing with me so I assumed I was right!'
'Tell me! I want to listen!
'Luis fucking answer!
You scare me. You scare me a lot, but I like you. I like you a lot. I don't think you'd ever hit me, but then again I never thought my dad would and he yells a lot. You're mad at me so I don't want to say something to make it worse. I don't want to keep lying but I don't think you'll believe me.

"Luis, please ignore them'
I actually opened Dylans messaged and nodded wiping my eyes.
'Can I come pick you up?'
I paused but immediately started walking again. I was tired, cold, I didn't want to go back.
'I won't tell them where you are and I will make them stay away. It will be me and you he quickly adds. I went to nearest road sign and sat down.

'Berbee Street' as soon as I sent the text I was left on read. I just waited and stared at the road in front of me. I'm tired. It was all going so well. I ruined it- we just had to bring up Josefina. I wish I just didn't try. I don't deserve a relationship. I don't deserve friends.

I just want to see Mamá and Javier but none of them have tried to contact me. Well Javier can't really. A few minutes later I recognized Dylan's car as it pulled up next to me. I slowly got to the passenger seat and he watched for me to buckle before cupping my cheek.

"Are you tired? I'll get you out of first hour and we can sleep in the back" he whispers. I shake my head. "I can't get behind on work" I whisper but he shakes his head again. "I'll get you out of the work- if not I'll do it" he tells me as I just nod.

He kisses my cheek and I turn to face him getting a soft peck on the lips.

"I won't let anything ruin this for me... for us"

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