Chapter 24

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"Pass! Charlie pass!" The team was yelling for him to pass the ball up. I wasn't allowed to practice because a few of the boys went and told the coach that I went to hit Logan for no reason. Which meant since I wasn't practicing no game.

Our keeper and back up keeper Eric were at the game field goals practicing. Back up defenders and offenders were on the smaller field doing drills to help them with their positions and the starting line up were just versing each other at the moment. Defense versus offense.

I ended up stretching off to the side and was now juggling the ball. Seeing how many touches I could get before I lost control. Once I reached ten I would switch to my knees doing the same thing

I soon got bored so I went to see how many times I could head the ball but immediately stopped after three realizing how sensitive my head was now. I knew I had injured it a few times now but I never actually went to get them checked out and I left the nurse's office before she could tell me anything.

Rubbing the back of my head I mentally cursed at myself. I had grown so sensitive. I need to man up. Stop my crying. I'm acting like such a baby bottom. I laugh at myself knowing that's what Cameron calls Dylan.

I tried to fight back today. I really did. I jumped at him and everything. I just don't know how to fight. I'm very scared of pain. He hit me down so easily. I know I'm short but I'm strong. Well my legs are. Maybe I can just kick the shit out of him.

Stop Luis you can't go around fighting people. You'll never be let back in the house. Papa will for sure disown me for good. At least I know mom cares and so does Javier. I think Josefina... cares a little. She just doesn't know how to show it.

I wish they would help or like leave him though. I don't think I did that bad. I really tried to be good enough for him. I need to stop thinking about it. What happens... happens. It's not that bad. It's probably not even my fault... it was so my fault. I was to much for him.

Mom really didn't look the best either. She always tries to dress her best but she was wearing a plain old baggy shirt with some leggings.  She almost always has a big pair of earrings in. Whether it's rubies, turquoise, opal, or some other gem.

She didn't have any in. Maybe she had a rough time getting up. Poor her. It's my fault too. I'm causing her this pain. I remember we use to be such a happy family. Then I decided to come out to my mom. I told her that I thought something was wrong with me. She hugged me and laughed.

Even encouraged me to tell my dad. I did. I told him. He told Josefina and Javier. Told them that they couldn't be like me. I never told mom about the way he humiliated me. She was having fun with her friends. He left us. We were suppose to be baby sat by him but he was so angry. After he embarrassed me he just left.

Came back drunk and went to bed. Mamá returned soon after and I just pretended nothing had happened. Javier had gone to bed to young and confused to understand what had happened and Josefina was in her room very angry that I had made papa leave, mad at us.

I think that's where her hate for me started. I cringed and left those bad memories. Looking out to the field, my attention was drawn seeing Logan on the ground. Anton standing over him.

"What the fuck dude!" Somebody yelled as the coach ran to the field blowing his whistle. "Let's calm down boys. I know I said aggressive but let's not break any bones" he chuckles as they all gather closer.

"So as long as I don't break any bones we're fine-" Anton states crossing his arms. "Logan is strong he's fine" Cameron yanks him up causing him to curse. "That hurt" he shouts at Cameron who glared at him.

"You're strong- you're fine" he repeats as I stare at them. This is stupid. Why am I on this team. Why am I here. "Is there something going on here?" The coach asks looking between all the boys.

"Come on coach Anton here just got a little to aggressive we all know how annoying Logan can get" Cameron chuckles wrapping an arm around Anton who seemed beyond pissed.

The other players snicker including the coach. "Since when have you two been friends" I believe Terrence asked as Anton and Cameron looked at each other.

Cameron immediately withdrew his arm and went over and wiped it on Dylan who gave him an eye roll. Anton wiped his shoulder off and the two glared at each other.

"We aren't" they both answered at the same time. This caused the team to laugh as the coach checked his phone. "Somebody go get the other guys. Offense you'll practice taking shots on Brogan. Defense will practice with sliding on the other side of the field. Throw ins as well whoever's got the best throws will do it during the game" I sat up a bit more ready to move.

I stopped hoping nobody saw. How fast and excited I got up to practice even though I was basically grounded. Currently homeless and grounded. How does that work. I just sit back in a straddle position and continue to stretch my legs.

I wonder how Penelope's doing. I told her she could do my nails next time but I don't know when I'll actually see her again. We get to go to Dylan's today.

I hope dad is proud of his decision. Kicks me out of the house because of being gay and other decisions. So I just hangout with a bunch of other gay guys.

Once again shaking out of my thoughts as Logan stomps over. "Fucking piece of shit that hurt" he was mumbling to himself rubbing his lower back as I try to hide my smile. He grabs his water bottle and takes a drink of water as I look out to the field. Cameron was staring at me so I looked back at him tilting my head to the side.

He smiles and starts to nod towards Logan. I narrow my eyes confused by why he wants. He makes a drinking motion and I look to Logan's water bottle again.

I point to myself and he nods. Smiling I nod and he winks before turning back to the groups of people. "Everybody let's line up- far away from the benches" he yells. Way to make it obvious.

Once they were all into the practice including Logan who decide to kick me as he threw his water bottle down. I rubbed my arm and glared at him muttering in Spanish knowing it pissed him off.

As soon as he was gone I grabbed his water bottle looking over it. It's just a plastic blue Nike one. I took the top off and looked around I didn't really know what to do. I was getting revenge on this guy. I wasn't fighting him and nobody will have proof it was me.

I shrugged and just grabbed a fistful of grass, throwing it into the water bottle. Repeating this actions a few times. I gagged when I seen the dirt floating around.

Closing the bottle up I shook it around and tossed it down again before looking up at the players. I made eye contact with Cameron and smiled innocently. He put a hand over his mouth before bursting into laughter.

I bit my lip trying to hold in my own laugh. Looking up again he was bent over his knees just trying to catch his breath as Dylan rubbed his back trying to ask him what happen.

I was holding back my tears of laughter still trying not to give it away. I sat their anxious as fuck waiting for practice to be over.

As soon as it was I was grabbing my things and ready to go. I think Cameron was too because he grabbed Dylan's things and his own. Ready to leave.

"Let's go!" He yells at Anton who was taking his time. "Why are we going so fast?" Dylan asked wiping his sweaty forehead. Logan started to run over, so me and Cameron hightailed it out of there. Walking towards the parking lot followed by Anton and Dylan who were jogging behind us.

There's nothing and then a choking noise before a lot of cussing. "Who the fuck- what the fuck. That's disgusting" he cries, almost getting a laugh out of me. As Cameron and I look at each other again.


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