Chapter 6

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"Circle up!" Dylan yells surprisingly. Cameron gives him a pat on the shoulder and they both smile to each other. We all circle up and the two boys next to me refuse to touch me.

I smile though, baring my teeth even though I felt like everybody would see through the smile at this point. I've been at this school for almost three weeks and I've never been more sad in my life. Nothings going right for me.

Anton forgave me for when I ran off but I still feel bad. "Another drama free day thank you, go home, stretch, ice baths if you can. See you tomorrow!" Cameron makes it simple.

"Everyone did great get some good rest and eat a healthy dinner!" Dylan adds with a big smile. We all nod before walking off to our things. I start to change out of my shoes when my phone rings.

Picking it up I answer. "¿Hola... mamá?" I ask not sure why she was calling. "Hola Luis, David's mother is dropping Javier off at the high school can you get him. I'm not home and David had an appointment Martha forgot about it" she sighs.

I nod into the phone before answering. "Yes I can I'll go stand out front and wait for him" I answer and she sighs a breath of relief. "Gracias te amo my little baby" she sings hanging up before I can answer.

I hurry to finish my stuff. "Mama? What a little baby!" One of the others yell. "What happen mom an addict- no one cares about you do they?" That one was Terrence. I ignore their comments and look down and smile.

"Hey shove off!" Anton shouts. I touch his shoulder and shake my head. "No drama" I whisper. He tried to fight it but I start to walk off. Every one heard all of this but only Anton stepped in.

I kept the smile on my face and sat at the front until a small red car pulled up. A women step out and hurried over to help my brother out. "Tell your mother I am so sorry again" she hurried frantically getting into her car to leave.

She drove off as Javier waved before hurrying over to hug me. "Did- did you play soccer!" He yells and I nod. "Yeah I had practice" I answer and his eyes sparkled. "Really!?" He asks and I nod. "Was it cool!?" He asks bouncing to himself.

My smile drops as I thought about the answer. I put the smile back on my face and nod. "It was so much fun and super cool! I get to hangout with lots of people" I whisper and he nods reaching for my hand.

"Are we going home now?" Javier asks and I nod. "Can I ride!?" He yells and I nod throwing him up onto my shoulders. He was a twig like me. One bag on my back the other on my stomach I started our walk home.

"Did you and David get to do anything?" I get him to talk so I can rethink my plans. I love soccer but was this worth it. I drop my head and my brother squeals leaning forward. I quickly look back up and he giggles hugging my head. Once we got to the front door I got on my knees to let him slide off.

He opened the door and I set my bags near the stairs. So I could take them done quicker. Going to the bathroom I wash my hands which is followed by a loud yell.

"Luis Soto Abanto!" My father yells and I hurry out wiping my hands on my pants. "Yes?" I ask seeing him rolling his ankle. "Don't put your bags in the walkway you idiota! ¡tal decepción! Can't do one thing right!" He starts going off out of nowhere and I step away slowly, breathing heavily.

"Papa I'm sorry! Stop hating me!" I shout back and he stops only for him to grow furious. "I hate this family! You and your messed up ways with- I don't understand. I'm scared just to let your brother hangout with boys I don't even want him around you! I don't know what to do with you! Your mother- god that women! Lets you get away with too much! You need to be disciplined!" He goes on a rampage coming closer and closer to me.

I stand back against the wall and he raises his hand slapping me harshly. Letting out a cry, I l hold my cheek as he stares at his hand and sighs before turning away. "I'm sorry, I'm just stressing out and I don't know how to deal with what's going through my mind" he apologizes. I nod holding my cheek.

"It's okay" I whisper as he disappears down the hall. I suck in a deep breath and smile again before opening my eyes to see Javier hiding behind the couch. His eyes wide and teary.

"Hey it's okay why are you upset?" I ask holding my arms open for him. He hurries over and jumps into my arms as I hug us both tightly. "I don't want papa to hurt me" he whispers and I shake my head kissing his cheek.

"Papa won't ever hurt you, he loves you" I assure him and he nods. "Why did he hurt you?" Javier asks and I chuckle sadly. "I made a mistake that hurt him and it was my fault and I deserved it. You don't need to worry about a thing though" I whisper and he nods looking towards where dad went.

"Wanna go hangout in my room?" I ask and he nods. Patting his back before he carefully runs down the stairs holding the railing. His little feet making tiny little noises.

I grabbed my bags and closed the door hurrying down stairs before going into my room. "You in here Javier?" I ask and I get small "sí" so I close my door.

He pops his head out from under my blanket and I act shocked making him giggle. Setting my bags down. I make sure they're out of the way so no one wound trip coming in my room.

Changing into my pajamas, I grab a shirt giving it too Javier who quickly changes bouncing and waiting for me to hangout with him.

I go to my mirror and check the red mark on my cheek. As long as it doesn't look like a handprint it will be easy to just say I don't know or I'm breaking out.

"Where- where do I put these" Javier hands me his clothes and I throw them into the dirty hamper. Grabbing my long charger I plug my phone in before getting underneath the covers.

Javier snakes in next to me and I hold my phone up going to the YouTube app. "What do you want to watch?" He looks over to me with happy eyes before grabbing at the phone.

Quickly attempting to type in his words but giving up soon after. "Where's the P?" He asks looking around my phones keyboard. I point to it and he uses his pinky to type it.

"G?" He whispers and I shake my head. "J?" I ask knowing what he wanted to watch already. "PJ? Yeah! Thank you!" He thanks me as I point him in the right direction again.

It took us ten minutes to type in PJ masks. I let him scroll down until he found an episode he liked. Javier showed me the phone more and I nodded. "Are we watching this one?" I ask and he shrugs. "Can we?" He asks and I nod.

"Okie are you sure? I wanna see you happy!?" He whispers and I look over to him before moving my arm, wrapping it around him."you always make me happy" I chuckle and his eyes widen before nodding. He taps the screen a few times and turns the phone waiting for it to adjust.

"Did papa hurt your cheek?" He asks and I shake my head. "No it's okay, he didn't mean too. It was suppose to be like a pat but he did an oopsie" I assure him moving to skip the ad.

"He do it again?" Javier continues with the questions as my eyes flickered over him waiting for the cartoon to start so it would distract him.

"I doubt it. He really didn't mean to. Please Javier don't worry about it" I sigh and the little boy nods holding the phone up high for both of us to see as it begins to play.

I take it from his hand and hold it for him instead. This made him lay his curly black hair onto my shoulder. He's soon chanting along to every catch line the three hero's had to say.

I wouldn't have let him hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you. You and mom are pretty much all I have.

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