Chapter 59

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"Luis!" Cameron's voice somehow is heard over all the chattering in the halls. It's been crazy since Saturday at the game. The drama was spreading like wildfire.

Some of the popular soccer kids weren't straight not to mention the captains of the damn team. it was crazy the amount of people that were coming out now though. Like suddenly the boring halls of people glaring at the one kids who was openly gay were bright and cheerful as people talked to their crushes who happened to be the same sex or identified as something else.

It was great. I stopped my thinking and gripped the strap of my back pack, turning around to find where he was. I could easily see him over the others and he smiles when he made eye contact with me.

His brown eyes crinkled at the side when he smiled. I feel like I always was thinking that but it was cute. If you saw Cameron from the side you would just see him as some angry looking guy. Then he smiled and he looked adorable, I knew when he was nervous. I've seen him sad. I've seen him stressed. The way he wants to become a doctor! Helping others? He's not just some mean asshole, or that's how I imagined him when I first met him.

"Hello baby" he smiles leaning over to kiss my head. My eyes widen and I quickly back up. "Cameron we're at school!" I state the obvious. "Remember I came out Saturday" he wave me off grabbing my hands.

"Yes you came out as gay- not that you had three boyfriends one of them happening to me" I reply through gritted teeth. "Oh I forgot about that" he says absolutely clueless, so of course I knew it was true.

"Well I guess they'll find out soon" he shrugs. I sigh but nod resting my head on his chest already exhausted. I haven't been bullied at all today but then again it was Monday and I had spent all of Sunday night panicking. Trying to decide whether or not I should just be homeschooled because my life would be ruined.

He drops his bag and puts a hand in my hair massaging my scalp his other rubbing my back. "Feels so nice to be able to do this in public" he mumbles and I nod wrapping my arms around him.

I didn't even care anymore. I just wanted his affection at the moment. "Is there a reason you called for me?" I ask suddenly remembering he had yelled for me. I pull away and he shakes his head.

"Just saw you and wanted to walk you to class" he admits. I smile letting him pick his bag back up. His hand finds mine and I grow flustered letting him start towards my class.

I could feel all the eyes. Some of them curious, others shocked, or happy for us. Every once in a while you saw an annoyed or hateful stare but I felt better knowing it wasn't just me.

It wasn't me against the school. There were more of us now and half the school stopped hating you for being different. I met eyes with my sister who sent me a gentle smile. I smiled back and she went back to talking with one of her newer friends. A chemistry partner for some lab.

Cameron squeezed my hand and I looked up to him watching him smile when he knew I had all my attention on him. We stopped by my classroom and he continued to rock our hands back and forth.

"I love you- have a good class" he smiles looking down at me. "I love you too... don't be late" I chuckle pushing him away with a laugh. "Don't mess with me baby- I'll make us both late" he goes to my ear and I quickly swat his shoulder.

"Stop being horny" I huff pushing him away again. He chuckles and kisses my head. "Do not be late!" I groan pushing him away again. "See you later" I hum and he nods turning and walking away.

Dear god I was so in love with him. Then again we were definitely one of those couples that everybody hated because they wouldn't stop being gross in the hall.

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